Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Dearest Miracles~

Grace, you went down in your bassinet at 11:30pm last night.  Then, the cat woke everyone up an hour later!  Ugh!  I was nursing you back to sleep at 12:30am this morning.  The cat is so annoying!  We stayed up close to 1:15am and then I just continued to hold you.  I was back nursing you at 5:15am.  I don't think I got any sleep and stayed pretty tired at work.  :-P

You two had fun with Penny.  You all walked up to the park and had play time.  There was a 'beautiful black and white cocker spaniel' at the park that you two played with.  :-)  Joshua, you got in trouble today though .... you threw a hard toy and hit Penny on the shin!  Ouch!  You know you're not suppose to throw toys!  Tomorrow you're going to have to say 'sorry' to her. 

I had some excitement at work today.  A man came yesterday as a 'walk in' appointment and threatened one of our other medical sites (the one in Apex).  The police were called to file an incident.  As I was driving into work this morning, one of the other dentists called me to tell me that the man was back and that I should come in the back door and that the police had been called!  Yikes!  In case I haven't told you all before, I work in a Community Health Center .... so we see a lot of 'interesting' patients .... and this was not the first time the police was involved.  :-P  The man eventually left with the police officers, but it was certainly not the way I wanted to start my day.

Also, on a sad note, I saw a little boy this afternoon with two abscesses on the lower right.  I ended up extracted two primary molars (teeth #S and #T) on him to get the infection out and placed him on antibiotics.  He's only five years old and I felt so bad for him since he was in pain.  I pray you all stay healthy.  I thanked God for you two once I finished the appointment.

Grace, you're playing with your feet a lot more now and your tongue.  It's really cute!  As I was nursing Grace this evening, Joshua came by and gave her 5 kisses in a row .... before he 'playfully' hit her head.  :-P  I got an adorable video of you two playing and giggling on the bed this evening.  Joshua, you were giving Grace more kisses!  I will cherish this video when you two are older!

Tomorrow's another workday, but I'll come home as fast as I can!  
Sleep tight you two!

I love you so very much!


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