Friday, October 7, 2011


Dearest Gifts~

Whoa little lady!  You were awake and crying at 3:20am this morning.  Daddy changed you and then I nursed you.  We were both so tired.  It was hard to keep my eyes open.  I thought we were done with the middle of the night feedings.  Are you going through a growth spurt?

I changed Grace's diaper to wake her up again and nursed her around 7:20am.  I had to go to UNC this morning for a CE (Continuing Education) course.  I have to have a certain number of hours a year to renew my dental license.  I kissed Joshua before I left.  Daddy worked from home and watched you both.  :-)

When I got home, I nursed Grace and then ran you all's laundry.  Joshua, you ate some cheese for me and Grace ate more squash.  We're having more success with the squash.  It's a little thicker than the sweet potatoes so I'm wondering if you like that texture more. 

I cut Grace's nails today, but she squirms now when I'm doing it.  It was so much easier when you weren't so mobile.  ;-)  You two helped me try to organize the playroom today.  I moved some more shelves into the room to put toys on and moved the little table and chairs to the side near the toys.  Penny said she loves that table and chairs!  I tried to put the puzzles and blocks near it.  :-)

It's so funny to watch toddlers run!  Joshua, when you get excited and start to run around the room, it's almost like you're hopping and dancing as well.  It's so cute!  ;-)  Grace, you're getting stronger too.  You can pull yourself up on a lot of furniture and you're getting braver.  You haven't taken any steps, but I can tell you want to.  I wonder when you'll start walking. 

We made a quick trip to Target this evening.  We picked up some groceries and Joshua ate two cookies!  We're going to try a new crock pot recipe this weekend, so I needed some supplies.  :-)  Also, we dropped off Joshua's prevacid prescription.  We got home late and everyone was hungry.  We didn't quite time that trip right since it was around dinner time.  Oh well.  :-P

The weather should be nice this weekend.  We'll try to go on some walks in the next few days.  :-)

Sleep tight you two!

I love you both!  :-)


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