Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Lost Remote

Dearest Angels~

Little lady, I changed and nursed you at 6:45am this morning.  I checked on Joshua and he was still sleeping.  Grace, you woke up without crying.  You usually cry in the morning, but you just got up and looked at me from the crib.  I was already awake.  I nursed Grace back to sleep and then held her and leaned back in the bed.  When Joshua woke up, he danced into our room, Grace popped up, and you two smiled at each other!  :-)

Joshua, you did well with your occupational therapy appointment with Mary Beth today.  You went on the therapy balance ball, played with some puzzles, and put some trains together.  You did 'ok' with Kim today for your food avoidance appointment.  We tried peaches, which was ironic since that's the food we're trying with Grace.  You took a few bites, but I had to hold your arms down.  :-P

When we got home, you ate some gold fish crackers.  Grace, you ate some peaches .... a different container than the one we opened for Joshua.  :-P  Then, I changed your diapers and outfits.  And, you two helped me start some laundry.  :-)

After lunch we all came upstairs to play.  I couldn't find the remote control to the television set anywhere!  I tore the playroom apart looking for it and took apart the couch and all the cushions.  Finally, I thought, perhaps it 'wandered off' with the help from a toddler?  So, I thought to myself where are all the places that Joshua likes to hide toys.  My first thought was the bathtub, so I started there.  Low and behold, the remote was sitting on the side of the bathtub.  :-P  That will teach me to leave things out for a toddler to wander off with!  :-P

Once people were settled, I realized that no one was going to take an afternoon nap .... so, I loaded you two up and we made a quick trip to Target.  I needed some more fruits and veggies for Grace since we ate almost everything I bought a few days ago!  Joshua, you ate a cookie while there.  I also walked around a little while there since we didn't go for a walk around the neighborhood.  :-)

We did a lot of cooking once we were home.  We made a 'Tater Tot' casserole for dinner and then a pot of potatoes and veggies for lunches this week.  We used chicken sausage in the casserole and it turned out pretty good.  :-)

I started some thank you notes for Joshua to sent out for his birthday gifts.  Once he learns to read and write better he can do them himself.  ;-)

Grace, you finished your peaches at dinner and then ate half a container of bananas!  Good job little lady!  :-)

Joshua, you like to dance to the song 'head and shoulders knees and toes' .... it's so cute!  You bop around when it's on. 

Tomorrow's another work day.  I'm sure you'll have lots of fun with Penny.  You two will have to show her all of Joshua's new toys!

Sleep tight you two!

I love you both!  :-)

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