Friday, January 28, 2011

Sixty Seven Weeks

Dearest Joshua David~

Hello little miracle!  Today you are sixty seven weeks old .... or, 15 and a half months old.  ;-)  Time has really flown by!  

Guess what we saw this morning at breakfast .... deer in our back yard again!  I was able to get some pictures this time of one relatively close to the house (we saw two).  They were so pretty!

So, today the two of us were 'dead to the world' so to speak.  You woke up sounding congested with a runny nose.  I 'woke up' (if you can say that considering I didn't really sleep well to begin with) congested, having a runny nose, ears clogged, and with watery eyes.  Ugh!  I hate being sick!  We never even left the house .... except to check the mail.  We were so pitiful today!  My intention was to at least go pick up the mandolin, but I just didn't feel like packing you up and driving us across town feeling that way.  It was better to just stay here and rest.  I had some throat drops that I used during the day, but if things don't get better, I may need to take something stronger .... which I hate doing with Peanut.

The good news, is that Peanut was active today .... the most active of the three of us!  Ha!  I took my temperature at one point today since I thought I might be a little warm, but I didn't have a fever .... thank goodness.  

You took a pretty long nap this afternoon .... which I greatly appreciated because I then curled up next to you .... read a few little short stories from my book and then tried to drain my nose and nap too.  You were more active later in the afternoon, after having some thing to eat and drink .and your nose wasn't as runny after your long nap.  

Before daddy got home, we made some eggs with veggies, toast, and bacon for dinner.  Then, we played upstairs.  Daddy was a big help watching you so I could rest on the couch.  You ended up falling asleep on him kind of early, so we were in bed about an hour earlier than normal.  ;-)  

Tomorrow, we'll try to run our errands.  I hope we both feel better!  

Sleep tight little cutie!

I love you very much!


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