Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Right In The Middle

Dearest Joshua David~

Hello little miracle!  This morning we ate breakfast together and then you had a few moments to play before we headed off to my OB appointment for Peanut.  Our appointment was for 9:15am, but we got there early so we were back with the nurses before our appointment time even started.  :-)  You kept smiling at the nurses and they called you a 'flirt' as you sat in the stroller.  My blood pressure was 110/64 and no traces of protein or swelling.  My weight was 148.4 lbs (whoa!  I've never been this big!).  ;-)  So far so good!  The doctor said that my size was 'right in the middle' .... not too big and not too small .... just what they like to see.  So, that's good news.  

We're 32 weeks and 2 days gestation .... so everything now is uncharted territory for us since you were born at 30 weeks.  They gave me a copy of my medical records for this pregnancy .... my 'white papers' since they have the carbon copies in my chart .... and I'm to keep them with me at all times to matter where I go.  Since anything can happen in the third trimester, it's better to have a copy with us in case we end up in the hospital again.  This way, the OB on call can quickly look at what's happened thus far.  Also, they gave me a 'fetal kick count' sheet.  Every day, for the rest of the pregnancy, I'm to count how many times Peanut kicks in a 2 hour time span.  A healthy baby kicks at least 7 times in two hours, so once I count to seven I don't need to count anymore.  This should be a breeze since Peanut likes to kick.  :-P  If her kicks go down, then we need to call the doctor.  You didn't kick that much, little man, but we also didn't realize that both of us were sick at the time.  We're so blessed that you're healthy now though!  

Oh, my next appointment is in another two weeks and guess which OB we'll see at that appointment .... Dr. Ashley Rush .... she's the one who caught the pre-eclampsia and HELLP syndrome with us at our 30 week check up .... she ran extra blood work that day to check my platelet count and she put me on the fetal monitor .... she's the one who sent us to Wake Med for Dr. Brian Bass (who was on call at the time) to examine me and ultimately perform the emergency C-section.  Those two saved your life, or else I would have gotten sicker and ultimately you would have too.  So, I'm sure she'll be happy to see you now! 

Right after our appointment, we made a quick bank run and then went to the post office.  You fell asleep in the car as I was driving back home.  You stayed asleep as I ate a little lunch and cleaned some things around the house.  I put you on a pillow and curled you up in my snuggie .... the blanket with sleeves!  Ha!

For lunch, you had a whole container of yogurt before taking a bottle.  We're running out of little gerber foods, so we need to run to the grocery store.

We relaxed up stairs after lunch and I put on an old UNC basketball game.  Daddy had recorded it the other week when you and I fell asleep.  I saw the first half already, so we just watched second half.  We won, but we already knew that  ;-)

I gave you a bath at 4pm and then rocked you to sleep.  I ended up holding you as you slept.  I came downstairs around 5pm (still holding you) to start dinner.  You woke up as I was walking around, so I put you down and you started to play.  We just made some pasta and placed the leftover meat from yesterday in there for a meat sauce.  :-)

We did your laundry after dinner and then daddy played the Wii as I noodled on the mandolin.  I'm trying to practice my scales, picking, and a few easier tunes to get me back into playing.  Oh, I posted some photos of our new little electric online at a mandolin website that I'm a member of .... I already have a lot of comments on how cool it looks!  :-) 

Tomorrow I head to work so Penny will be here.  Save those smiles and kisses for me!

Sleep tight!

I love you!


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