Friday, March 30, 2012

Eye Procedure

Dearest Miracles~

Grace, you woke up at 1:30am this morning.  But, when I picked you up and put you in bed next to me, you fell right to sleep!  Good job little lady!  I nursed you to sleep at around 8pm yesterday evening.  You can't have anything to eat or drink until after your eye procedure this morning since you were going to have general anesthesia.  So, I hope you do ok with nothing on your belly.  At 3:30am, Joshua came wondering into our room.  I put him back to bed and daddy stayed with him the rest of the morning.  My alarm went off at 5:20am, though I woke at 5am and just laid there next to Grace.  I didn't sleep well since I was anxious about your eye procedure little lady.  Though, I was surprisingly awake this morning.  It really didn't hit me that I was so tired until around lunch time.  :-P

Grace, you have a blocked tear duct in your left eye.  Dr. Board recommended that we go ahead have the blockage removed via surgery since it didn't clear on its own.  Joshua, you had a blocked tear duct as well, but yours cleared.  Grace, you and I were at Rex Hospital at 6:20am.  They put you in the smallest, cutest hospital gown!  :-)  You were pretty cooperative with all the pre-operative procedures .... temperature, height, weight (about 19.5 pounds) .... you went back with the anesthesiology team at around 7:45am.  

By the time I used the restroom, got a drink, and sat down in the waiting room .... it was 8am and Dr. Board was finished!  I knew it would be a short procedure, but I was still surprised!  You did great!  He said there's a 90% chance the procedure would need to be repeated if it wasn't successful, but if it comes to that you wouldn't have it again for another 6 months. 
You were in recovery for about 15-20 mins before I could see you.  Oh my oh my .... you cried and screamed in recovery!  I'm sure everyone could hear the little patient in Recovery II Bed #39!  It took me a while to calm you, poor little thing!  I had to walk around holding you and singing to you, but you finally calmed down.  You fell asleep in the car with a water sippy cup.  We were back home and settled by 9:30am.  I continued to hold you as you slept and watched Joshua play in the bonus room.  Daddy worked from home so that he could watch Joshua while Grace and I were at Rex.

You both had a good lunch once Grace woke up.  Grace, you had half a jar of Gerber food and then some hotdog.  Joshua, you ate an entire yogurt container with apple and then some hotdog.

It was such a beautiful day that I took you both for a walk after lunch.  We went for 1 hour 45 minutes as daddy worked.  I took you all to the bell tower again and back.  You two slept in the stroller.

Grace, your nose was a little runny and bloody today which was normal from the procedure.  Dr. Board had to clear the blockage from both directions.  We just have to continue to watch you over the weekend and make sure you don't rub your eye.

We had some play time with music after the walk.  I also read to you both.  I was exhausted at this point.  :-P  You two helped me clean and steam sterilize the pump pieces for the last time.  This was the first week I did not pump in almost a year.  Wow!

You both got baths after dinner.  At this point it was 24 hours since our last nursing session (since we couldn't do a morning one).  I put Grace down in her bed to see if she would be cooperative or if she would need a night time session.  You fell asleep in about 10-15 minutes with no real fuss.  Wow!  I think you're on the last phase of being weaned .... I can't believe we made it 13 months!  I'm so proud of us!  As Gigi said when I told her 'Awesome job today to both Crystal and Grace! Yahoo!'  ;-)

Sleep tight you two!

I love you both so much!


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