Thursday, December 8, 2011

Party At Work

Dearest Blessings~

Today is one of my coworker's birthday!  Woo hoo!  Since tomorrow is my birthday, and one more employee, we had a nice party at work during lunch.  :-)  We're always looking for an excuse to have a party!  ;-)  

Plus, in dentistry, we generally don't work on fridays.  So, thursday is our friday.  Which means, today can be considered friday for us at work .... therefore, today is also my birthday!  Ha!  ;-)

Both of you two woke up at 4:30am.  Daddy went to sleep with Joshua and I nursed Grace back to sleep.  I ended up holding Grace afterward, but didn't really go back to sleep.  When my alarm went off, I got ready for work.  Joshua eventually curled up in our bed too.  You two were so cute sleeping together.

You two had fun with Penny today!  You had art time and made me pictures with your hand prints on them!  So precious!  Joshua, you also colored yours.  :-)  

I just got news that one of my friends from college just had her third child.  She had a little girl and she was 6 weeks early and now in the NICU.  I saw photos this morning .... that really brings back memories from when Joshua was in there!  She'll come home pretty soon though .... she's in an open crib and over 5 pounds.  But, I know it's still scary for my friend.  Joshua, I still keep your NICU photograph on my nightstand.

Grace, you really want to stand a lot more now.  If you pull up on something and we take your hands away, you'll stay standing for a few seconds!  I wonder when you'll start to take a step.  :-)

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you both so much!


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