Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Late Nap

Dearest Miracles~

Grace, Grace, Grace .... you were fussy again last night and wouldn't sleep.  :-P  I held you to get some rest around 10:30pm.  I was back nursing you by 12:45am.  I was exhausted.  :-P  After 1am, I leaned back again in bed holding you because I was too scared to put you done.  I thought you would just wake back up again.  :-P  I was up nursing you again by 3:45am.

Once everyone was up for the day, we headed over to Joshua's therapy appointments.  Daddy made Joshua some oatmeal (read oatmeal and not the toddler kind) to use with Kim.  We wanted to try something chunkier.  Joshua, I think you ate one bite total.  I got it to your lips a few times, and the rest of the time you hit the spoon away.  Ugh!  Back to the drawing board.  :-P  I guess it was too chunky?  We're going to go back to the toddler oatmeal and pureed foods.  I showed Kim how you eat a gold fish cracker.  She said you had some good tongue movements pushing the food from one side of the mouth to the other.  Yippie!  :-)

You did well with Mary Beth for your OT appointment.  She noticed your haircut!  I told her I trimmed your hair when you fell asleep the other day.  It's not even, but it's not in your eyes and face anymore.  Ha!

We were back by lunch and Grace was crying as I tried to eat something and feed Joshua.  After we quickly ate, we went upstairs to nurse Grace and rest for a little bit.  I put a CD on for music time.  Grace, you had tummy time and Joshua and I had pillow time.  I took the cushions off the couch and put them on the floor.  I rolled Joshua around on them and we crawled all around them to get toys.  I was trying to imitate the big pillows that Mary Beth uses during your OT appointments.  :-)

We went downstairs by 2:30pm.  It reached over 100 degrees today so it got hot in the play room over the garage. 

Grace, you took a little nap during a tummy time session this afternoon downstairs.  Joshua helped me with the dishes and with making my lunches for the week.  I also did another pump, so we should have enough mommy milk in the fridge for Grace for tomorrow.  :-)

We went over Joshua's ABC book over and over.  He's still not 'saying' the words or letters, but if I ask for him to point to something, he can do it.  You're so smart little man!  :-)

Joshua took a very late nap today!  You never acted tired all day and didn't sleep in the car to or from his therapy appointments.  I gave him some dinner around 5:30pm.  He finished some cereal from this morning, had some sweet potato, hot dog pieces, a few bites of pasta, and then a sippy cup.  Once he downed the sippy cup he fell asleep in my arms!  It was 5:45pm!  I let him sleep until 7pm, but then I woke him so he'd go to bed later. 

Daddy had a late soccer board meeting.  Once Joshua woke back up (or once I woke him up), we went upstairs.  It was still warm, but not has bad as earlier in the day.  Daddy home by 8:40pm and helped get everyone to bed shortly after.

Tomorrow I head back to work.  Penny will be here to play with you all!  I'll rush home as fast as I can!

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you two so much!


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