Sunday, January 29, 2012

So Sick

Dearest Joshua David and Grace Elizabeth~

Ugh!  No one felt good today .... except Grace.  My ears were clogged, my throat and teeth hurt, and I was so tried.  Daddy felt the same way.  Our entire bodies ached.  Joshua, your nose was runny all day and you're still congested.  We pretty much stayed in all morning and tried to rest.  It's hard to tell a toddler that he needs to rest to get better.  Daddy and I almost fell asleep several times.  :-P  We're just a sick little house right now.  Something must be going around. 

It all started at 1:50am.  Grace fell asleep early last night, so she woke up early hungry.  Joshua, you also woke up then coughing and unable to breathe.  I felt so bad for you little man.  I wish you could rest and sleep.  Grace, you were back up again and nursing at 5:55am. 

Joshua, you were napping by 2:30pm.  Daddy read next to you.  I nursed Grace and ended up falling asleep for about an hour.  I still felt sick when I woke up though.  Plus, I kept feeling 'hot' and then 'cold' .... yuck. 

When Joshua woke, daddy took him downstairs for something to eat and drink.  Joshua, you ended up throwing up.  Ugh.  Daddy gave you a nice bath and I ended up taking Grace to Harris Teeter for some medications.  I hope everyone feels better soon. 

Grace, your left eye has been crusty all day.  It's been a long time since your eye has been teary and crusty.  You woke up with it crusty and it's pretty much stayed that way all day.  I hope that clears up so that you won't have to have that procedure in a few months to clear your tear duct.

We all watched the UNC basketball game this evening.  We won!  Yippie!  Joshua, we gave you some more tylenol before bed and then ran the humidifier in your room.  I hope that helps!

Sleep tight you two!

I love you both so much!


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