Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Dearest Miracles~

Joshua, you were coughing and congested all night.  :-(  I heard you at 2:30am and then at 5am.  Poor little man.  Daddy stayed with you all night and I stayed with Grace .... who had noodled into our bed to sleep.  I was nursing her by 6:30am.

Joshua, once you woke up, daddy and I gave you some tylenol.  I was also congested today and my ears were popping.  I guess you and I are coming down with something.  :-P 

You were still relatively playful, so I took you to your occupational and speech therapy appointments with Mary Beth and Kim.  You did well!  You're getting more adventurous with Mary Beth concerning activities and 'messy' play.  You continued to make some sounds and noises for Kim.  I stayed in the waiting room with Grace and played with toys.  We met a precious little boy who's between your ages .... he can't walk yet independently and is in occupational and physical therapies.  My heart really went out to him and I just kept thinking how blessed we all are.

We were home earlier.  The therapy office asked us to change our tuesday appointments to an hour earlier, so we were home an hour earlier than normal.  You two played as I cooked some potatoes and veggies for lunch today and for work. 

At lunch, Grace sneezed on me while I was feeding her some garden veggies .... good thing I had on daddy's sweatshirt!  Ha!  ;-)  I vacuumed after lunch.

After lunch, we went upstairs for playtime.  I took some photos of you two and then tried to organize.  We also had some art time together and I read to Joshua.  Joshua, you were coughing with a runny nose all afternoon. 

Joshua, you were napping by 2:20pm.  I sang to you again.  You were very congested while sleeping.  I read and nursed Grace. 

Daddy had a late meeting after work.  So, we went to Gigi's for dinner.  I put some Vick's on Joshua's chest before we left.  Little man, you ate a cheese sandwich for Gigi!  We also saw Uncle James, Grandpa Jim, and Lois.  Grace, you played peek-a-boo with Lois.  Too cute!  We stayed and visited until 8pm.  Oh, and you two like to wave now .... so cute! 

We were back home by 8:30pm.  I can you two in clean diapers and in pajamas with teeth brushed by 8:50pm.  I put more Vick's on Joshua' chest and back.  I nursed Grace while sitting next to Joshua in his bed to help him drift to sleep.  You were still congested .... I felt so bad for you.  I hope you feel better soon! 

I had both of you two sleeping by 9:15pm .... that's not too bad for being by myself!  :-)  I stayed in Joshua's bed next to him and held Grace until daddy got home at 9:30pm.  I hope Joshua feels better in the morning and that Grace doesn't get sick. 

I ended up sleeping with Joshua all night ....

Sleep tight you two!

I love you both so much!


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