My oh my .... little man you didn't stay sleeping for long last night. You were back up at 11pm last night and wandered into our room. I had just fallen asleep. :-P I went back to your room and laid down next to you and fell asleep. By 2am Grace had gotten up and out of her bed. She wandered over to me since I was in the room. I ended up just putting you next to me in the big bed. :-P Joshua, you poor little thing .... you were coughing and coughing by 6am.
Oh, little lady, guess what .... your primary maxillary laterals are erupting .... teeth #D and #G! Woo hoo! ;-)
The three of us played this morning and did lots of laundry. By mid morning we went downstairs for snack time. Joshua had applesauce and Grace had yogurt. Then we stayed downstairs to play until it was time to leave for Joshua's speech therapy appointment with Kim.
Joshua, you did well with Kim. We're starting flash cards with two different consonant sounds. We still have to prompt you but everyone has said they've seen and heard improvements from you. Kim isn't completely sure you have true 'apraxia' now that you're making more progress .... what wonderful news!
We were home in time for lunch. You both ate a lot of leftover pizza .... but you both poo-poo'd my homemade mac and cheese. Really? Well, at least daddy likes it. ;-) I was able to catch up with some friends on the phone as you two played downstairs after. :-)
By 2pm we were upstairs for naps. Grace, you fought it, but you eventually fell asleep first. You were both napping by 2:30pm.
Once daddy got home, we had dinner together. Then, we played on the front porch .... it was such a beautiful evening!
Sleep tight you two!
I love you both so much!
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