Sunday, November 18, 2012

Christmas Shopping

Dearest Gifts~

Everyone appeared to sleep better last night.  We're still congested this morning but hopefully we're on the mend.  I had insomnia and went to bed close to midnight.  :-P

This morning we did a lot of chores after breakfast:
*Cleaned/organized playroom
*Swept floors upstairs
*Rearranged carseats .... we washed everything yesterday, so we put the seats back together today and moved you two to the third row in the van.  We'll put baby biscuit in the second row in an infant carseat
*Swept/vacuumed downstairs

We made hotdogs for lunch but Grace ending up napping while the three of us ate.  Once she was awake, we made a trip to the mall to walk around.  We got a few things for people for Christmas.  Then, we made a quick trip to Target.  We forgot a few things from yesterday and found a few more Christmas gifts there as well.  As usually, you all each ate two cookies.  Each person is 'suppose' to just take one cookie, but daddy and I always sneak two for each of you.  ;-)

It was around 4ish when we got home.  Daddy made pumpkin bread for work for tomorrow.  They're having their Thanksgiving celebration at his work tomorrow.  I worked on dinner.  I made chicken and added some Pad Tai sauce.  I kept some chicken separate for you two. 

We played upstairs after but Joshua got really cranky from no nap.  This got daddy and I cranky too.  :-P  So, once everyone had another dose of medicine, we headed for an early bedtime.  

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you both so much!


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