Dearest Blessings~
Yuck .... I had a monster headache at 3:30am. I went downstairs to take an extra strength Tylenol. Grace was next to me in bed. Joshua had already woken earlier and daddy was with him. I saw only a little bit of snow on the ground. By 5am, we were nursing.
The snow melted pretty fast this morning, though lots of places were on a delay. Joshua had an eye exam this morning, but since it wasn't until 11:15am, the weather didn't effect it.
This morning we all played until we had to leave. The eye office was running late and didn't call us back for 20 minutes. They dilated Joshua's eyes and we waited again. The actual exam only took about 10 minutes, though we were there for over an hour. :-P
Joshua you have a slight nearsightedness and astigmatism. Dr. Board wants to see you again at age 3.5. You may need glasses for school. You got to wear some cool sunglasses home because they dilated your eyes though.
While there, I showed Dr. Board Grace's red left eye lid. It's still goopy, so he recommends the tear duct procedure for her. I will call this week to make the appointment.
Joshua you have a slight nearsightedness and astigmatism. Dr. Board wants to see you again at age 3.5. You may need glasses for school. You got to wear some cool sunglasses home because they dilated your eyes though.
While there, I showed Dr. Board Grace's red left eye lid. It's still goopy, so he recommends the tear duct procedure for her. I will call this week to make the appointment.
In the waiting room, we met a deaf little boy not that much older than Joshua. He was signing to Joshua 'fish' and 'airplane' as they were playing with puzzle pieces. They were too cute together!
We all got to with Aunt Katie briefly after lunch. She had off for President's Day so she came over to play with you two. :-)
Afterward, we swept and vacuumed downstairs. Then, I was able to get on the elliptical for 30 minutes and go 4 miles as you two played! Woo hoo! Thanks for being so cooperative! :-)
I took some photos of you two playing with blocks this afternoon. I also cooked some chicken nuggets, fries, and tater tots for this week. Grace is eating more solid foods, so I figured she might eat some of those too. She ate a lot of pepperonis at dinner.
This evening we got to play around before bedtime. Tomorrow we head to Rex for a feeding team appointment and then we see Mary Beth for occupational therapy in the afternoon.
Sleep tight you two!
I love you both so much!
Just like his Uncle Brennan :(.