Dearest Miracles~
At 2:30am, Joshua woke up coughing and came into our room. You were coughing so much, little man, that you ended up throwing up. You won't drink the water or pedialyte that we try to give you. And, I know it would have made your throat feel better. Poor little man.
Grace, you woke from all the noise. I nursed you back to sleep and daddy put Joshua back to bed after we changed him and cleaned the floor.
I stayed up and couldn't sleep. I finally went to bed after 4am. Grace, we were nursing again at 6:30am and I had a splitting headache. Ugh!
Once people were awake for the day, I boiled some more eucalyptus leaves. It smelled pretty good. I'll thank my coworker for the leaves on wednesday.
Oh, Joshua, you're starting to indicate to us when you need a clean diaper because you're stinky. You'll bring us a diaper, or you're walk up to us and point at your bottom. Much better than sticking your hands down there, but we've also been putting you in overalls. :-P
We all relaxed and did a few chores this morning. I ran some laundry and we all organized a few things. After lunch we all relaxed in the play room. Daddy played some guitar for us.
Joshua, you woke up crying from your nap. Daddy took your temperature and you had no fever. But then you coughed so much that you threw up again. Daddy gave Joshua a bath while I cleaned the floors. I had to put Grace in the crib while we were cleaning, which she didn't like. :-P Joshua, you were playful after your bath and was fine the rest of the afternoon. I wonder what was wrong.
We all ended up relaxing and watching the UNC basketball game late in the afternoon. It was over at dinner time. Joshua, you ate some sausage at dinner! Woo hoo! We ate breakfast foods all day today! Ha! Oh, I also started to give Grace some whole milk today .... just a small amount. You're almost one year old so we're starting to wean. I have mixed emotions about that, but I'm also impressed we made it a full year! You two are growing so fast!
After dinner you two helped flip our bed mattress and put new sheets and pillowcases on. Then, we cut everyone's finger and toe nails. It rained this evening as we were falling asleep. :-)
Sleep tight little ones!
I love you both so much!
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