Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ash Wednesday

Dearest Angels~

Happy Ash Wednesday!  Today is the first day of Lent.  Soon, it will be Easter!  He is risen indeed!  :-)

Joshua, you were up early little man!  You woke at 1:30am!  Whew!  Grace, you woke up at 5:30am.  I nursed you and then stayed up to get ready for work.

Today was such a beautiful day!  I hate that I had to spend it all inside .... but you two had a blast with Penny!  You all went to the park and had so much fun in the sun!  

You two ate well for Penny today.  She was so impressed at Joshua that she took a photo of his clean plate and sent it to me at work!  Wow!  I'm so proud of you man!

I was busy at work today, but I was still able to get home by 6:30pm .... I left some progress notes open but I'll finish those at work tomorrow.  ;-)

Joshua, you kept stealing toys away from Grace this evening.  You really need to learn to share.  You kept pushing her all around.  You know, she's getting stronger .... it won't be long before she can push you back!  :-P

I'll rush home as fast as I can tomorrow!  

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you both so much!


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