Dearest Joshua David~
Hello sweet thing!
Today was a really busy day for daddy and me. We had so many visitors all day that we felt like we were having an open house! :-)
This morning, daddy and I went to church with grandpa Jim. While we were out, Gigi stayed and played with you. Everyone at church asked about you! Your hospital picture is still hanging up on the bulletin board and you've been in everyone's prayers. We told them all that you were still growing strong and remaining healthy! Once you get bigger, we can take you to church with us so that everyone can finally meet you. :-)
After church, we came back here and ate lunch with grandpa Jim and Gigi. Once lunch was over, we fed and changed you. Then, your Uncle Brennan and Aunt Katie came by to watch you as daddy and I ran an errand. Aunt Katie brought you some more books, and read one to you while she was here. :-)
About two hours later, your grandpa Mike and Mimi came over for dinner. They both got to hold you as well. Busy busy day! :-)
Well little man, this thursday will be my first day back to work since you've been home from the hospital. I don't want to leave you and I don't like thinking about it. :-( So, I'm going to try to extend the amount of milk we have to make it last longer. Right now, I'm still pumping every few hours to make sure you have enough to eat, but once work starts it'll be difficult. So, today you had your first ever full bottle of formula. I wanted to make sure you didn't have any reactions to it, which you didn't. Each day, I'll give you one bottle that's formula, and the rest will be mommy's milk. After a while, I'll increase to two bottles. That way, we can make sure you get a little bit of milk for a longer period of time. But don't worry, right now we have enough milk in the fridge freezer and garage freezer to last you for a very long time! Mommy has been working hard for you! :-)
This evening you were quite fussy. I ended up playing with you upstairs for a while after daddy went to bed. You eventually fell asleep pretty late. :-P
Sleep tight precious!
I love you very much! :-)
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