Thursday, March 17, 2011

St. Patrick's Day

Dearest Blessings~

Happy St. Patrick's Day little miracles!  Penny and I dressed you all in green for the occasion.  ;-)  Also, you two are part Irish since I'm Irish.  :-)  Your Uncle James dresses like a leprechaun for the St. Patrick's Day parade each year.  One year I'm sure you'll be able to see his outfit.

Today was a fun day .... and it was beautiful outside!  Joshua, you and Penny had a nice long walk to the park.  You two played on the swings and met another child about your size there too.  Penny also sang and read to you.  We practiced your walking between us, but for some reason you'd rather crawl today.  :-P

I was also able to get some chores done around the house.  I did two loads of laundry and completed more 'thank you' notes .... we're still getting little gifts come in from people and I want to be be sure cards are sent out to thank people for their generosity.  And, I finally unpacked my hospital bag!  Ha!  It took about two and a half weeks, but slowly we're getting this place organized again.  ;-)

Joshua, you fell asleep for a nap after lunch as Penny rocked you.  She placed you in the crib and you stayed sleeping for almost two hours!  I nursed Grace and was able to 'close my eyes' for about 45 minutes as well.  :-)  Penny left right after Joshua fell asleep.

Grace, your hair appears to be getting lighter.  You still have a 'strawberry blonde' look and I'm hoping it stays that way.  Your hair is so pretty!  Joshua, your hair is pretty too!  ;-)

I read to you two this afternoon .... Grace, you ended up napping and Joshua got bored and played with his toys.  :-P 

We made pork for dinner.  It was pretty good!  We almost had it done when daddy got home.  We still needed to heat the sauce and make the cous-cous, but that didn't take long. 

This evening we all played together in the bonus room.  Once it was time for bed, we placed Joshua in the crib.  Boy, did you cry!  Daddy went in there a few times to try to calm you (I was nursing Grace), but you just kept on crying and crying!  Daddy and I were exhausted.  Eventually, you fell asleep .... it took you over an hour crying to do so.  At 11:50pm, daddy was snoring and I had just put Grace down.  I went into the nursery and found Joshua had fallen asleep in the crib in a weird position .... like you had fallen asleep due to exhaustion with one hand still up holding the side of the crib.  I felt so bad for you and moved you onto a pillow and placed a blanket over you.  You woke up very briefly and I rubbed your back. 

About every 2 hours or so you continued to wake up crying.  We let you be in the crib to see if you'd self soothe yourself.  I checked on you at 4am again and you had fallen asleep standing up in the crib with your head resting on your arms, which were hanging over the crib side.  Again, I felt so bad for you, so daddy ended up picking you up and bringing you into our room for the rest of the morning.  I hope you learn to sleep in there better.  It breaks my heart when you cry so much, but you need to learn to sleep on your own. 

Tomorrow, Joshua sees Dr. Ross for a post operative visit from his surgery.  Grace, you have a pediatrician appointment for your two week check.  Mimi will be here in the morning to help bring you two to the appointments. 

Sleep tight little angels!

I love you both very much!  :-)


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