Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Message From Patient

Dearest Miracles~
Both of you ended up in our bed last night.  We still got a good amount of sleep though since everyone fell asleep early last night.  ;-)

I got to kiss you both before work though Joshua was a late riser!  :-)  You two had fun with Penny while daddy and I were at work.  Joshua, you said 'cookie' for Penny today and she didn't prompt you!  Good job man!  :-)  You two also played outside a lot today .... you have evidence of that since you both have bug bites on you.  :-P

You all gave nice hugs and kisses when I got home.  Grace, you really like to give hugs now!  How precious!  

Today we're 20 weeks gestation with baby biscuit.  A few people have given me name suggestions at work.  I'm still waiting for you two to give us some ideas.  ;-)

We had a patient draw on one of our clip boards today at work.  She wrote 'I "heart" the dentist' .... so cute!  It's nice to be appreciated.  ;-)

We all played some Wii games again this evening before bed.  It wasn't exercise, but it at least got us moving a little.  ;-)

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you both so much!


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