Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Dearest Gifts~

Guess what today is .... today is Aunt Katie's birthday!  We saw her on sunday for her birthday dinner.  We still had a piece of cake left over from the occasion, so daddy and I ate it after dinner to celebrate again.  :-)

Joshua, you woke up when daddy's work alarm went off at 6:30am this morning.  I woke Grace on purpose by gently changing her diaper so that I could nurse her.  We had an early pediatrician appointment, so we had to get moving to make it on time.  :-)

It was cold and rainy this morning.  The sun came out by lunch time, though still cooler.  I couldn't breathe all day.  I hope it's just allergies and not a cold.  :-P

Grace, you had a great check up!  Today was your 9 month appointment.  It was just a 'well visit' so you didn't need any immunizations, and you already had your flu shot.  So, it was a quick appointment too.  :-)  Here are your stats:

Weight: 16 lbs 11 ozs
Length:  27.5 in
Head Circumference:  43.4 cm

There was a medical student shadowing Dr. Medero today (little lady, you've met several medical students!) and both of them said that you were a 'perfect' baby!  :-)  You still have a teary eye (your left one) so she gave me a referral for an eye evaluation.  I made an appointment with Dr. Board since he sees Joshua and we have a relationship with him and our family.  We also discussed your skin.  You have a lot of eczema patches.  I will continue to place cream on it more regularly to see if it clears.  Dr. Medero will prescribe something stronger if it gets worse.

We were home by 11am.  You both played as I cooked some potatoes and veggies on the stove for my lunches this week for work  Then, we all played upstairs in bonus room.  This afternoon we went back downstairs and I swept the downstairs as you all crawled/ran around and played.  I went ahead and cooked some dinner and placed it in the oven.  That way, we only had to reheat it when daddy got home.  We made tacos.  :-)

You took a late nap Joshua.  I helped you fall asleep by rubbing your back.  You were snoring by 3:30pm.  :-P

After dinner I gave Grace a bath and placed more lotion on her back and shoulders.  We'll just continue this for a few weeks to see if your skin clears.

This evening as you all were falling asleep, I thought about what the pediatrician said this morning about Grace being 'perfect' .... I thought about how blessed daddy and I were for having you two!  You two are BOTH so perfect to us!  We are truly so blessed to have you both.  You two have perfect little features .... eyes, nose, fingers, toes .... perfect little smiles .... perfect little giggles .... I wouldn't change a thing!

Sleep tight you two!

I love you both so very much!


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