Hello again! Today was a relatively quiet day at the hospital. I was there with you for about five hours, and daddy came to meet us after work.
Mimi had draperies made for your room at home, and they were installed today. After she put them up, she came by the hospital to see you in the morning. I just missed her when I came to see you. The draperies are pretty and I can't wait for you to see them when you come home. Each day daddy and I are preparing your room for your arrival! :-)
You're still gaining weight! You are now 3 lbs 1.1 ozs! The feedings and vitamin have stayed the same.
You'll have your first eye exam tonight. The nurse said she'll have to put some eye drops on your eyes, and you'll probably not like it. The doctor will see how your eyes are developing and growing. And, they'll continue to check them as you get bigger.
I held you for a few hours, after we did another "lick and learn." Then, you slept on my chest as I rocked in the chair.
You're such a sweet boy!
I love you very much! :-)
Joshua, You are getting bigger and stronger every day!! Yeah!!! Love, Great Aunt POPS