Monday, November 2, 2009

Found Your Thumb

Dearest Joshua David~

Hello sweet boy! Today was a good day at the hospital. Daddy started a new job today, so I same to see you by myself for awhile. I held you for almost two hours! You were peaceful and didn't squirm very much. You mostly slept. :-) After I held you, the nurse took your temperature and you were warmer with me than in your bed. We were cozy together. :-)

Your glucose level was better today, so they lowered your IV again to 1.0ml per hour. Maybe you'll be off some time this week.

You had no residual left in your belly from the earlier feeding, so your digestion has improved. They still have you on 17ml of milk per feeding, but they've added some extra formula to increase your calories. This way, you'll hopefully gain more weight.

When you were placed back in your bed, you found your little thumb and started to suck on it. Usually, you try to stick your whole hand in there. But today, you sucked your thumb briefly. It was so cute! You did it so quickly I couldn't even take a picture!

Once daddy was done with work, he came and met us at the hospital. As we were leaving, you wiggled a little, and it looked like you were waving. :-)

Ok, little man .... keep being strong for us. I love you very much! :-)


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