Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Signed 'Train'

Dearest Precious Gifts~

Ok .... listen up people .... because you two didn't properly eat your dinner, you all begged for crackers at 9pm last night.  You two were still noodling at 9:50pm!  Grace came in and fell asleep next to me again in my bed.  Joshua eventually fell asleep in his room with daddy laying next to him.  Let's all eat our dinner for now on .... Ok?  :-P

We were up early this morning!  We left the house before 8am to run some errands before Joshua's feeding appointment with Krista at 9am.  I needed to gas up the van and run through the ATM before his appointment.

Little man, you did well with Krista!  You ate the majority of the meats (bacon, ground turkey) and the rice with veggies (it was harder for you to chew the corn than the carrots).  You didn't have much success with the orange, but we expected that.  We'll start with the juices first.  We're going to keep the appointment that we have schedule in two weeks and see if we can decrease from there.  She weighed you again and you're still just shy of 28 pounds.

We picked up your Flovent refill on the way home.  Grace, you fell asleep in the van and continued to nap once we were home as Joshua played.  I cooked food for you all for the week and made my lunches.  Today is my last day of vacation.  Penny will be here tomorrow and thursday.  I've enjoyed having some extra days with you two!  I'll miss you two so much as I go back to work tomorrow, but we'll be able to play again on friday!  ;-)

I schedule Joshua's 3 year pediatrician appointment and Grace's 18 month pediatrician appointment.  They scheduled them both on the same day in October to make it easier on us.  Grace, you'll be closer to 17.5 months, but it saves us a trip.  :-)

Grace, you woke at noon as I was cleaning the kitchen and Joshua was playing.  You were grumpy little lady.  I had to hold you so you'd calm down.  :-P

Oh, almost forgot, you two are both officially in size 4 diapers!  Woo hoo!  You two are growing so fast!

After lunch, you two played so I did 40 minutes on the exercise bike.  Then, since you two were so good, we watched an episode of 'Dora'.  Afterward, you two took a nap at 2pm.  I had to wake you two for Quinn.  Joshua, you were a little grumpy when I woke you. 

Little man, you did well with Quinn.  We did all the words we've been working on.  We're going to continue with the same sheet of words for another week before moving on.  Grace, you signed 'train' for Quinn.  It was so cute!  :-)

We made a quick trip to meet someone afterward .... I picked up some used photography books from a woman.  They're a part of a course with DVD's.  We made it back home a few minutes before daddy.  We all had dinner together.  Daddy didn't stay home long though .... he left to go to a soccer game.  So, the three of us went upstairs to relax.  We watched a little more 'Dora'.  ;-)

Joshua, you're learning to put on and take off your shoes by yourself.  You took off your shoes earlier by yourself and was so excited!  You ran into the bathroom where I was to show me!  :-)

You two were both so hyper this evening!  But, I had you both in fresh diapers, teeth brushed, pajamas on, ladybug night light on, and in bed by 9pm.  That's not too bad for being by myself.  You two were sleeping by the time daddy got home at 10pm.

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you two so much!


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