Monday, April 30, 2012

25.2 lbs

Dearest Joshua David and Grace Elizabeth~

Grace, you did pretty good last night.  You noodled into our bed around 5am, but Joshua had woken up prior to then and daddy had to put him back to bed.  :-P

We had a little bit of playtime together this morning before heading to Joshua's feeding team appointment at Rex with Krista.  You ate well for her today .... which is good since you didn't eat a good breakfast.  :-P  Here's what you ate:

3.5 oz sweet potato/apricot mix
4 oz applesauce
1 mozz cheese stick
1 chicken nugget

Krista gave us a 'calorie counter' to fill out this week and to bring to your next appointment.  Basically, I have to write down everything that you eat and try to estimate the calories.  If I don't know the calories the nutritionist will try to guess.  Krista weighed you prior to the appointment and you were 25.2 lbs.  You're slowly gaining weight.  I can't even image weighing only 25 lbs!  ;-)  Oh, you peed while standing on the scale little man .... I was embarrassed! 

You both fell asleep in the car and stayed sleeping once home.  Once you two woke up (I had to nudge you since Joshua had another appointment), I quickly fed Grace and then we headed to speech therapy with Kim for Joshua's 2:30pm appointment.

You did well today .... you initiated some words by yourself, though mainly need prompting.  I told Kim how Krista was impressed at Joshua when he turned and said 'bye bye' this morning.  ;-)  Kim was so happy for you! 

We were home by 3:30pm and had snack time.  By 4pm we were upstairs playing until daddy got home for dinner at 5:30pm.  This evening we all relaxed.  :-)

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you both so much!


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