Friday, September 9, 2011

Second Attempt

Dearest Gifts~

Little lady, it was after 1am before I went to sleep this morning.  :-P  You woke up again at 3:15am.  Thankfully daddy changed you.  Then, I nursed you.  You woke up again at 6:40am hungry.  I nursed you some more and then we stayed up waiting for Joshua to wake up from his slumber.  

Joshua didn't finish his sippy cup this morning at breakfast, so I gave him some cheerios.  He ate a few and then wandered off.  I wanted to give him something more since he didn't have much and I spotted the last brownie that daddy had made for the Labor Day cookout .... he ate at least a third of it and would have eaten more if I hadn't eaten some!  So, I know that's not the most healthy breakfast in the world, but at least he ate some thing! 

After breakfast I baked some potatoes and did some laundry.  You two were cute this morning playing together so I tried my second attempt at making a 'time lapse' photography video of you two.  I think I'm getting better, but I'm continuing to learn as I go along.  I took 397 photos of you both playing, but I had to delete a few out .... so I think it was closer to 390 that I ended up using.  I'm trying to convince daddy that we need a wide angle lens.  ;-)

Joshua, you really fought me today with your brush exercises, joint compressions, and chewy tube work.  What's up with that?  I found gold fish cracker crumbs everywhere so I stripped up the blanket on the floor and gave the play room a good vacuuming.  :-P

As Grace napped in her swing, I took Joshua downstairs for some extra play time.  I steam sterilized the pump pieces while I was down there.  I put some music on, but since Joshua likes to take the CD's out of the player, some of the songs skipped.  :-P  Oh, little man, you can definitely open doors now!  You swung open the pantry door as I was busy with the potatoes and walked right in!  Good thing none of our doors have locks on them, except the bathrooms (which are easy to 'unlock' from the other side).

We had lots of music time this afternoon in the playroom.  I actually need to switch out those CD's soon since we hear them a lot.  The player holds 5 CD's, so you two can help me pick some new ones out.  

I read a 'Poky Little Puppy' book to Joshua since he fought a nap (he actually never took a nap all day!).  Once we were done, Joshua had a poopy diaper, stuck his hands down there, and then picked up the book!  Ew little man!  Needless to say everything got washed!  I feel like I spent all afternoon wiping your hands off!  :-P

Joshua ate some gold fish crackers as an afternoon snack with a boost.  Grace, you are really sitting up more!  Oh, you had some more rice cereal this afternoon.  You did ok .... still missing the mouth though.  :-P 

Daddy did some balance ball exercises with Joshua this evening.  Everyone ended up going to bed early tonight since people didn't take naps .... even Grace didn't nap much.  Grace stayed sleeping in her bassinet when I put her down but rolled to her belly.  :-)

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you both!  :-)


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