Monday, September 26, 2011

Not Sharing

Dearest Blessings~

Grace, you slept in your bassinet and Joshua, you slept in your toddler bed all night!  I didn't nurse Grace until 7:20am.  And, Joshua was still sleeping when I was nursing her.  Wow!  

Grace, I say bassinet 'loosely' .... it's really a 'pack and play' that you're sleeping in.  We need to convert the toddler bed back into a crib.  You're too big for the pack and play and Joshua can move into a real bed with side rails now.  We'll probably switch you two this week.  I hope Joshua continues to sleep well once we put him into a 'big boy' bed.  I put the bed rails together that we bought yesterday.  You two were playing this afternoon so I took that time to set up that bed. 

Joshua, you did well with Kim this morning.  We used our flash cards and you're getting the hang of them.  Have I told you what program we're doing?  It's called PECS .... Picture Exchange Communication System.  You hand us the picture of the item that you want.  The second person helps prompt you.  :-)

We were home by lunch.  We all went upstairs to the playroom and I put a CD on for some music.  I folded some laundry as Grace crawled around.  Joshua, you walked around the room holding a toy phone and 'talked' into it.  It was so adorable!

Joshua, you had a late nap.  I nursed Grace and then held her and read as she dozed.  Daddy was home late from work this evening, so we had dinner late.  Grace, you were uncooperative with your sweet potatoes.  :-P

Joshua, you were cute tonight.  You were playing with a stuffed animal whale.  You were moving it all around in the air and making noises that it was swimming.  You're definitely making more noises and babbling more.  :-)

We're still in the process of teaching people to share .... and by 'people' I just mean Joshua.  You still push Grace off toys if she pulls up, or takes toys away that she's playing with.  You got popped on the bottom this evening for pushing.  You need to learn to share little man! 

Everyone ended up crying this evening before bed.  I had to nurse Grace in order to calm her.  :-P

Sleep tight you two!

I love you both!


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