Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Fool's Day

Dearest Joshua David~

Hello little one!  Happy April Fool's Day!  Usually people play tricks on each other on April 1st, but we didn't try any tricks this year .... maybe next year.  ;-)

This morning we had some extra Mommy Morning time before Penny got here because you woke a little earlier.  After your bottle, I put you in your papasan chair so I could wash the bottle.  You grabbed your blanket and started to stare at your hands!  It was so cute!

You suck your thumb and fingers more to soothe yourself.  And, you're trying to talk more.  Penny noticed that you like to practice your "G" sound.  Some times you'll sit there and make noises like "Grrrrr."  :-)

Here's what you and Penny did today:

8:15am-10:30am:  sleeping
12pm:  walk outside, sat on deck, and tummy time
1:30pm:  sleeping
1:45pm:  tummy time, practiced sitting, music time
4:30pm:  sleeping

Guess what you did today .... you transferred!!  This is a big developmental step for you!  You were holding some plastic toy rings in your left hand .... then you reached over with your right hand and took them!  Good job man!  I'm so proud of  you!  This evening you did it again with daddy on the bed.  You grabbed a little toy and passed it between your hands!  Woo hoo!

This evening we watched UNC in the championship NIT game.  It was close, but we ended up losing.  :-(  Oh well .... there's always next year!  :-)

You're doing really well little guy!  It's amazing to think how far you've come!

 I love you!


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