Thursday, September 13, 2012

Sleepy Heads

Dearest Angels~

You three didn't wake up until 7am this morning!  I had to leave for work shortly after!  My oh my little sleepy heads!  ;-)

You all had another Daddy Day again while I was at work.  Mimi came over early and took you all to the library for story time.  Then, you all got another three pairs of shoes, because you all don't already have enough.  :-P  You all have at least 12 pairs of shoes now.  We're going to have to reorganize everything to make them all fit in the shoe bin. 

Joshua, you did well with Quinn this afternoon.  You all went through three sheets of words.  Grace, it took you a while to get into the appointment because you were napping once she came over.  We always have you participate too since you're speech is also delayed.  We'll continue to work on the same words/sounds for next week too.  :-)

Daddy made dinner, though you all didn't eat much.  You all had run out of milk this evening, so we made a quick trip to Harris Teeter for some after dinner.  

We had more baby biscuit kicks this evening.  You all watched a Dora episode before bed and Grace sat against me as biscuit was kicking.  Ha!  Your sister was kicking you!  You know, you use to kick Joshua, when he was smaller and would fall asleep on me!   ;-)

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you both so much!


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