Tuesday, December 21, 2010

What A Blessing

Dearest Joshua David~

Hello little man!  Well, once again we found ourselves awake with you at 2am.  This time, you had managed to crawl up into our 'bed' since our mattresses were placed next to each other.  :-P  You apparently started to climb on daddy while crying, so you ended up sleeping between us again.  

Because of your very early morning routine, I was groggy all morning.  You had your usual breakfast when you woke up.  Then, we got ready for the day.  We some exciting things going on today:  we're meeting my friend Allison for brunch, we have an ultrasound for little Peanut, and daddy's only working a half day so we get to play with him in the afternoon!

We met up with Allison at 10:30am .... this was your first time meeting her, but daddy and I have known her since elementary school!  Actually, she's known daddy longer than I have!  I first met them both in the fourth grade.  ;-)  We had brunch not far from our house and got to catch up and visit.  It was really nice to see her since she now lives in West Virginia getting her Master's degree .... she's in town for the holidays and her parents don't live far from us. 

We got home a little before 12:30pm, and daddy had beaten us there by a few minutes!  Gigi and Mimi soon followed since they wanted to see the ultrasound too.  Grandpa Mike was going to meet us that OB office, and Grandpa Jim had to work (but we called him right after to let him know how that appointment went.  Gigi gave you a lunch bottle when she got here.  And, everyone got to play with your hair now that the helmet is off.  ;-)  Then, you rode with daddy and Mimi, and I rode with Gigi to the OB office. 

What wonderful news we got at our appointment .... little Peanut is still growing strong!  We're officially 30 weeks and 2 days (two days longer than we made it) .... my weight was 147.3 which is a pregnancy weight gain of 18.3 pounds so far.  I only gained 17 pounds with you total at 30 weeks.  The doctor was pleased at the weight gain, fundal height, and blood pressure.  He looked at my ankles and saw no signs of swelling.  Also, my blood pressure was 120/60.  He talked to daddy and I about having another C-section vs having what's called a 'VBAC' .... vaginal birth after cesarean .... both have risks and complications so daddy and I are going to have to talk about that more and pray about what to do.

The ultrasound showed us another little blessing .... your sister Peanut was measuring right on track even with a 2 vessel cord!  Remember when we had our first ultrasound for her and they mentioned the 2 vessel umbilical cord (one artery and one vein) .... when usually the umbilical cord has 3 vessels (two arteries and one vein) .... some times this causes a baby to develop smaller and have a low birth weight.  Well, Peanut measured in at 30 weeks gestation, which is what we are!  And, she has an estimated weight so far of 3 lbs 2 ozs .... almost one whole pound more than you at birth at 30 weeks!  Her heart rate was 167!  What a blessing!  God is so good!  Oh, and the technician showed us on the ultrasound a little white spot on the top of her head .... it was hair!  How cute!  

Well, you can imagine we were all excited the rest of the day because of this wonderful news and blessing that we have been given!  Each day is now a blessing as we get closer and closer to our due date.

Once we got home, you and I played while daddy sprayed the mandolin again.   He only worked a half day for the ultrasound.  :-)  I prepared dinner (meatloaf with a potato and veggie side).  Then, you and daddy ended up taking a nap while I did laundry.

The evening was spent with us playing in the bonus room and watching UNC win a basketball game.  I was getting tired during the game though.  :-P  Daddy had to eventually walk around with you as you fell asleep in his arms.

Tomorrow I head to work to share the good news about Peanut.  I know you'll have fun with Penny, but save some smiles and kisses for me!  

Sleep tight!

I love you very much!  :-)


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