Saturday, December 4, 2010


Dearest Joshua David~

Hello sweetie!  We got up really early this morning for the computer lenovo sale at daddy's office.  It was open to the public to purchase extra inventory for cheaper than what they would normally cost.  Gigi got to our house at 7am this morning and helped feed you breakfast.  We were all awake at that time, but we were just changing your diaper and hadn't fed you yet.  Once you ate, we piled into our car and picked up Grandpa Mike on the way.  Grandpa Mike was looking for a computer, and Gigi and I were looking for a cheap netbook. 

It was cold this morning and we had you bundled in the carrier on my back.  You got fussy for a little but, so people just had to hold you outside the carrier.  We saw Penny there and she held you for a while.  Eventually you fell asleep in Gigi's arms, so we stuck you on my back again.

We got there at 8am (when it opened) and waited in line for two hours!  Apparently, people had gotten there an hour or more prior to 8am to be first in line.  They were sold out of the things that Gigi and I were interested in, but Grandpa Mike still got a computer.  :-)

After we dropped Grandpa Mike off, we took Gigi out for brunch.  You ate some sweet potatoes and a bottle.  You tried some of my scrambled eggs, but gave us a funny face.  :-P  This was your first time trying eggs!

We were home in time for the 12:30pm UNC basketball game tip off!  It got colder as the game went on, so we knew we were going to stay in doors for the rest of the day.  Then, while we were watching UNC, we noticed something outside .... it was snowing!  It mostly came down as flurries, but at times there were big flakes that were coming down!  You and I went to the window and saw all the snow come down.  We also saw some children go out into the cul-de-sac to play in what little snow they had.  ;-)  It didn't really stick to the roads or sidewalks .... but it stuck to the roofs, grass, bushes, and cars as the sun set.  It was quite pretty! 

We made a little pizza for dinner and you finished your yogurt and sweet potatoes.  You also ate a lot of little cheerios!  I put them to your mouth and you kept eating them.  If I handed them to you, you would take them with your fingers but then just throw them.  :-P  We'll have to work on that!

The rest of the evening was spent upstairs.  You had your bath and played.  Daddy and I worked on Christmas gift ideas for people.  Do you know what you want for Christmas yet?  Well, keep thinking because you'll have to write a letter to Santa to let him know!  :-)

Sleep tight little one!

I love you very much!  :-)


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