Hello sweet thing!
Today we had a little bit of snow come down! Nothing stuck .... we just had some flurries here and there. The north has been hit pretty hard with snow .... one of the biggest storms they've seen! Virginia to Maryland is covered with the white stuff! We won't be traveling up there for a while. :-P
Today daddy and I ran an errand to the mall and grocery store. While out, your Gigi and Grandpa Jim watched you. You apparently were so comfortable with them that you slept the whole time and didn't want to leave! So, we stayed there too, gave your next bottle, ate dinner, and then went home.
This evening, daddy and I played with you again on the bed. You kept grabbing my pinky finger with your hand whenever I played with your pacifier. I thought it was cute so daddy took a picture. :-)

"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."
Joshua 24:15
I keep this verse on your little binder here in the nursery so I can see it everyday! It reminds me of God's miracles .... bringing you from 2 lbs 4 ozs to almost 9 lbs now (we're estimating)! What a gift you are to daddy and I, and we thank God everyday for you in our lives! :-)
Sleep tight little man!
I love you!
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