Hello sweetie!
Today is Groundhog Day! On this day (every February 2nd), we all wait in anticipation to see whether or not Punxsutawney Phil (the national weather groundhog) sees his shadow. Historically, it's the day the groundhog comes out of his hole, after sleeping all winter, to look for his shadow. If he sees the shadow, he hops back into his hole for another 6 weeks of winter. If he doesn't see his shadow, he takes it as a sign of spring and stays above ground. According to Phil's website: "At 7:25 AM EST on Tuesday, February 2, 2010 the world discovered that Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow - predicting six more weeks of winter!" So, I guess that means more winter weather for us!
This morning, you were unusually fussy for a bit. Then, you fell asleep early in the afternoon. So, I took nap too!
We danced this morning. I put on another CD and we danced around the nursery room for a little while. I sang a bit, but again, the singing gets mixed reviews from you! ;-)
I ordered something for the two of us and it came in the mail today! I got a baby carrier .... one that you sit in so I can carry you around the house (or where ever) and you stay right next to my chest. It came late in the day (dinner time) so I didn't have time to really open it and play with it. We'll have to experiment with it later.
Also, Grandpa Jim brought over a stroller for you to use. It's our cousin Charlie's, but we're borrowing until you get bigger. Of course we'll have to wait for the weather to clear a little before we take you out, but I'm hopeful it'll get warmer in the next week or so.
Daddy and I played with you on the bed this evening. You actually fell asleep on the bed really late, and we didn't want to wake you! So, we curled up with you and all three of us took a nap until you woke up around 11:30ish. Then, I fed you and put you in the bassinet. :-)
Well, tomorrow's another work day for me. :-( I hate to leave you! I wish I could pack you up and take you with me. :-) I'm sure you'll have fun tomorrow with Penny, but it's still hard for mommy to go!
Sleep tight little one!
I love you very much! :-)
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