Well, today we all had a long morning .... and evening!
You didn't go to sleep until about midnight this morning, and when you woke back up, it was around 4:30am. Since my last pumping was over 12 hours ago, at this point, my body was still adjusting to the milk pressure and your crying was making me hurt. :-( So, I tried to see if you would just nurse. You still couldn't latch on, so I had to use the nipple shield again. You could only take a little over an ounce of milk (I estimated), so I had to give the rest to you in a bottle. But, you alleviated just enough pressure to help me out. :-P While you were trying to nurse, too much milk was coming out, so both your sleeves were completely wet! Daddy had to change you!
Different places were running on a delay this morning because of the snow. Daddy went into work later than normal, to give the snow and ice some time to melt. After daddy left for work, I gave you a bottle and changed you. Gigi was off from work today, so we drove down the road (about 2 miles) to her house to spent the afternoon. Gigi was able to watch you as I put gas in the car and took a shower.
This evening was another crying fest for you. You started around 8pm again, like last monday. Daddy and I walked, swayed, jiggled, talked, danced, changed, and fed you to try to calm you. We finally put you in the bassinet around 10pm(ish). I kept playing with you and the pacifier to see when you would fall asleep. The last time I looked at my watch, it was 11:36pm (you were still awake), so I don't know what time you actually fell asleep. Daddy and I have come to the conclusion that you just don't like mondays! This is the second monday in a row where you had a crying fit in the evening (which will make for two tiring tuesdays in a row).
I did notice a cute thing though .... sometimes, after I give you a bottle, I'll tickle your chest and under your arms to get you to smile. You've given me several cute smiles and a few "coos." :-)
Sleep tight little Joshua!
I love you very much!
Dear Joshua,
ReplyDeleteI've got the scanner working now, so if you want to draw some pictures of Puey and the Princess I'll put them up on the blog. I'm sure your parents have crayons about.
Uncle Zeker