Dearest Precious Children~
What a beautiful day it was today! This weekend is suppose to be nice as well, so hopefully we'll be able to get out and enjoy the weather!
Grace, today was your two month check up at the pediatrician's office. I can't believe you're already two months old! This time is really flying by .... too fast for me to keep up! Here are your stats .... your head circumference is 38 cm .... your length is 22.5 inches .... and your weight is .... 11 lbs 10 ozs! Whoa! You go girl! I was expecting something closer to 10.5 pounds so you exceeded my expectations!
You did well today at your appointment. You received a few shots and cried afterward. I held you to calm you and you fell asleep in the car on the ride home. Oh, you also peed on the examination table before the doctor came in. :-P The nurse helped me clean up. And, the nurse said she 'loves' your hair! ;-)
I had the MD look at your umbilical cord stump. It's still attached and should have fallen off weeks ago! We've been keeping it dry and placing alcohol around it at each diaper change. She pulled it back and realized you had developed a granuloma and your stem cells in the umbilical cord were trying to regrow a cord! So, she had to cauterize the area under it to stop the blood flow. You don't have any nerves there, so it didn't hurt you, but you didn't like being held down. It may take a few applications of her cauterizing the area before the stump falls off. So, we have to see if it comes off over the weekend. If not, I'll call the office on monday to get you back in. Now, when you're a teenager and want all this 'independence' .... I hope you look back on this letter and remember that we literally had to 'cut the cord' twice because you didn't want to let go! ;-)
We made a very quick trip to the grocery store to pick up a few things for dinner and breakfast. It was getting close to feeding time for Grace, so I ran in and ran out! We're making a lasagna for dinner and I'm hoping Joshua will eat some!
Joshua, you were playing with Mimi when Grace and I got home. Mimi tried to give you part of an egg croissant, but you didn't eat much. I fed you lunch as Mimi tried to give Grace a bottle. You ate a pretty good lunch for me. I made you a bowl of oatmeal that you gobbled and then a sippy cup. I'm wondering if you're getting molars in and your gingiva is sore. This might be way you're not eating as much solid foods. I don't know.
The bottle was a struggle! I went upstairs to pump while Mimi was giving Grace a bottle. Mimi tried for two hours to give Grace 4 oz. By the time Mimi left at 2pm, she had taken 2 ozs. Grace fell asleep for a little bit during that time from wearing herself out from crying. Once Mimi left, Grace was screaming again. I picked up Grace and the bottle .... within 15 minutes Grace had finished that bottle for me! I believe Grace is getting use to me and I'm getting use to these bottles a little more (we're using different ones than the ones Joshua used .... these have different nipples to help with transition from breastfeeding to bottle feeding so the baby latches on differently). Grace, you and I have developed little tricks to help .... so, now, other people have to learn these tricks to see if they can give you a bottle. It helps if I walk around with you while feeding you. If you sit and try to give you a bottle, you scream (which is what Mimi was doing). You're also getting use to daddy and Gigi .... you didn't scream or cry once for her on wednesday! This week, we'll let Penny practice with you. If I'm alone, my preferred method is still to nurse you. :-)
Once you finished your bottle, I ate my lunch. It was about 2:30pm and I was starving! Joshua, I drank one of your boost drinks .... it was a chocolate one that you don't like anyway. ;-)
Joshua took a late nap and I woke him on purpose to he wouldn't sleep through dinner. We don't need you sleeping through any meals little man! You ate a good amount of lasagna for us! Yippie!
However, Joshua, you really fought bed time again! I don't know why you fight sleep so much! I wish I could take naps and go to bed early! :-P Daddy read to us as I nursed Grace (daddy tried to give Grace a bottle earlier but she wasn't hungry and fell asleep). Everyone eventually fell asleep very late at night. :-P
Tomorrow is saturday and I hope we get to enjoy the weather and relax. You two can help me with Gigi's gift for Mother's Day. :-)
Sleep tight little ones!
I love you both! :-)
"Shoulda, woulda, coulda...." ;-)