Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Three Years Ago

Dearest Precious Miracles~

Three years ago today daddy and I got married!  Yes, today is our wedding anniversary!  Our wedding was so much fun and one of the happiest days of my life .... the other two days being when I gave birth to each of you.  :-)  Your daddy is so sweet .... he brought home three things after work to help us celebrate our anniversary.

1- The first thing, he said, represents my 'heritage' .... I'm Irish, so daddy brought home a St. Patrick's Day bouquet!  The flowers smell so good!

2- The second thing represents our honeymoon .... we went to Asheville together and visited the Biltmore House.  So, daddy brought home a bottle of Biltmore wine.  I only had one small glass since I'm nursing.  :-)

3- The third thing he brought home was something that reminds him of me .... a big cookie!  Yummm!  One of my favorite things!  ;-) 

We had dinner made by the time daddy came home.  We had some chicken with pasta.  Then, we had some chocolate chip cookie for dessert! Yippie!  :-)

During the day we played together.  Joshua slept in a little again, but he went to bed really late!  I was already up and nursing Grace.  Joshua, we need to get you on a better sleep schedule.  You need to go to bed earlier and wake up earlier.  We can't handle your bedtime routine of going to bed at 10pm or 11pm much longer.  :-P

Joshua, you and I practiced your walking.  You still let go of my hand every once in a while and want to crawl.  But, you're doing pretty well.

Grace, you had two blow outs on the changing table today.  :-P  Once, you peed all over yourself.  The second .... well, it wasn't just pee, I can tell you that!  It warranted a outfit change!  I did another little pump this morning.  Again, it was after I had nursed you so it wasn't a ton of milk, but it's still something.  Of course, with the way you've been eating I'm hoping I can keep up with you!  :-P

Joshua, you ended up taking a nap around 2pm this afternoon.  I was so tired at the time, and I was rocking Grace.  I was so glad you ended up slowing down then.  :-P  I did some quick chores and then I ended up taking a one hour nap as well.  ;-)  It doesn't sound like much, but man, that one hour was heavenly!

After dinner is when the real fun began .... we went upstairs to watch a little movie.  It was a cartoon called 'Despicable Me' .... it was cute and we started it early so that you two wouldn't be up all night.  However, you guys still managed to stay awake until almost 11:30pm!  Joshua, you were so fussy!  Daddy was practically wrestling with you to go to bed.  And, the fact of the matter is you were so tired you didn't know what to do with yourself!  You yawned and rubbed your eyes but continued to fight sleep!  Grace, you, on the other hand, kept falling asleep while I nursed you, and then would wake wide up when I put you down!  I ended up holding you for a long time before placing you in the bassinet.  It was very late before any of us got to bed!  :-P  The last thing daddy and I said to each other (at around 11:30pm) was 'Happy Anniversary!'  ;-)  Oh well!  I'm hoping we can get into a better sleep schedule with you two. 

Penny is going to come over tomorrow to help out a little.  She's planning on getting here around 9am.  I'll pick her brain on ways to get you all to sleep better.  ;-) 

Sleep tight little angels!

I love you both!  :-)


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