Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Soothing Yourself

Dearest Precious Children~

May the Fourth be with you!  Ha ha!  You'll get this joke when you two are older!  ;-)

So, the 3am/3:30am feedings continue, little lady.  :-P  Once I put you down to sleep I get a few little hours of rest before I hear you twirling away in the bassinet.  You then wake up about 3 hours after that as well.  I was tired by the afternoon, but luckily I was able to take a little nap with Joshua.  I rocked him to sleep and then held him for a while.  I don't get to hold him as much as I use to .... part of it is because he's always on the move!  But, he slowed down some for me today .... enough for me to hold him while he napped.  :-)

We had fun with Penny today.  We played on the screened in porch because it was rainy in the morning.  Penny tried Grace with a bottle.  It took her a while, but Grace eventually took 2 ozs.  I pumped upstairs as she fed Grace.  We read some articles online afterward, and one article said that babies can smell their mommies up to 20 feet away.  Now, I know I don't always get to take a shower on time, so I'm sure Joshua can smell me too!  But, it was referring to the mommy's milk supply.  ;-)  Tomorrow, since the weather is suppose to be nicer, I will take Joshua to the park as Penny tries the bottle.  Perhaps she'll do better if I'm away, though I hate to leave!  

Grace, you tried to suck your thumb and fingers this evening to sooth yourself.  I eventually had to help you in the end, but you're trying.  You still use me as a pacifier.  You tend to do ok during the day, but in the evenings you have a hard time letting me go.  I have to take quick, little showers when daddy is here, late at night, when you 'appear' to be ok.  Though, some times you start crying once I leave. 

We had eggs and bacon for dinner ready when daddy got home.  Joshua didn't want the eggs, but ate some more macaroni and cheese and fruit before taking a sippy cup. 

After dinner, you two helped me finish Gigi's Mother's Day gift.  We needed daddy's help with  part of it, but he's so creative it only took him about 5 minutes to finish it.  :-P  I hope you two get the artistic gene from him!  I still need to wrap it, but then we'll have both gifts (Gigi and Mimi) ready for sunday.  We're going to grill out some hamburgers and hotdogs and have them over.  :-)

Grace got a bath this evening.  You had a huge poopy diaper this afternoon, so it was time for a bath anyway!  We still have to give you sponge baths since you have that granuloma.  Once your belly button is clean, you can get little baths in the infant tub.  :-)

Joshua, you fought bedtime .... as usual.  We're trying to get you into a routine at night.  We have you in your pajamas by a certain time, brush your teeth, and daddy reads us a story.  I think you're getting better, though you still noodle into our bed.  The next step will be to get you to sleep through the night in the crib.  Perhaps it will help if someone was in the room with you.  Maybe, when Grace gets bigger, you two could share the nursery for a few nights so that you're both comfortable sleeping in there?  We'll have to see.  :-P

The weather should be nicer tomorrow, so I'm sure we'll make it to the park or even play in the front yard with daddy after dinner.

Sleep tight little ones.

I love you both!


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