Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday The 13th

Dearest Blessings~

If you're superstitious, you probably wouldn't venture out today.  Today is a 'friday the 13th' which is suppose to be unlucky.  However, we didn't let that stop us from getting out of the house.  ;-)

Actually, the day started off pretty well .... Grace slept in to 5am this morning!  It was amazing!  Thank you!  I was so refreshed that after I nursed her and placed her back in the bassinet, I ate a little something and then pumped 3 more ounces of milk for her!  I went ahead and put it in the freezer since she'll probably not get a bottle today.  ;-)  I tend to just nurse you all day if I'm by myself .... it's easier!  :-)

Once everyone else was up and had some breakfast, the three of us headed over to a baby store 'Babies R Us' to look at a few things.  Does this store still exist when you all read this?  I wanted to look at the bottles, sippy cups, and food section.  They didn't have the kid boost drinks that I was looking for, so we'll have to pick that up at Target this weekend.  Joshua still has enough for today and tomorrow.  

I wanted to see if I could just buy sippy cup tops since a few of ours leak, but I couldn't find just the tops.  I think we'd have to buy new cups.  :-P  I'll check again at Target though.  This store had a huge selection of bottles, so I got overwhelmed at what to look at.  I saw the ones that Penny and Gigi like, but I hesitated since there were so many other kinds out there too!  Ahh!  Too much variety!  I should have just picked up a box and left, but hesitated too long.  By then, there were lots of other moms around me and you two were beginning to stir.  :-P  Perhaps I can talk daddy into going back with us this weekend.  ;-)  

Joshua, you ate a good lunch for me.  You had another bowl of cereal!  Woo hoo!  I hope our appointment on tuesday is helpful with the speech therapist.  I really wish you'd eat more.  

You two both surprised me this afternoon and napped at the same time!  I caught up on lost emails and straightened things around the house.  I had to rock Joshua to sleep and held him for a while before putting him down on a pillow.  I held him tight and sang to him in the rocker!  It was so nice and sweet to hold him!  :-)

We all had some music time together downstairs before making dinner.  We made a quick pizza and had it done before daddy got home.  I cut up some onions and spinach to put on it.  Joshua didn't really eat a lot, but he did eat some more hotdog and chicken nugget.

Grace, guess what you did this evening .... you took a pacifier for first time!  It was a UNC and shaped like one of the bottles that we tried on you.  This confused me since I was going to buy the other ones in the store this morning!  I tried you on this bottle and you took 2 oz of mommy milk this evening (I only made a 2 oz bottle).  Hummm .... do you like this bottle better or just getting use to bottles?  You did fuss, but ended up taking the milk after a little.

You did the cutest thing this evening Joshua .... you correctly pointed to your ears, nose, toes, and hair tonight when asked.  You actually bent down and touched your toes for that part!  ;-)  You're so smart!  Also, if someone asks you where 'mama', 'Grace', and 'daddy' are, you look at them!

We had a thunderstorm after dinner this evening.  The four of us ended up relaxing in the play room.

Tomorrow's saturday!  Woo hoo!  I'm sure we'll have fun as a family since daddy's off from work.

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you both!  :-)


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