Monday, January 10, 2011

Under The Couch

Dearest Joshua David~

Hello little cutie pie!  You appear to be feeling better today .... your nose was runny this morning, but cleared up as the day progressed.  I kept you on a oatmeal and formula diet .... except I gave you half a container of yogurt for dinner.  You kept it down so perhaps I'll try you on milk tomorrow. 

After breakfast, we stayed downstairs for a bit .... you played and I prepared things for dinner tonight.  We're making a cheesy potato soup in the crock pot.  :-)  So, I washed and cut up all the potatoes and then cut up the veggies.  It needs to cook on low for about 7 hours, so we started that and then went upstairs to play.  We checked on it during the day.  Once we had an hour left, we added the cream and the cheese and let cook another hour.  It was done right when daddy got home!  

We did about three loads of laundry today.  I'm still trying to organize my clothes since I don't wear the majority of the things I own now.  :-P  I need to place these clothing items in a box to go through later when I can fit into them to get them out of the closet.  It's a slow process, but I'll eventually get it all done.  :-)

Eliza came over today for your physical therapy.  You had some good neck rotations, but she said for us to continue the exercises so we don't loose any of your muscle flexibility.  You did some quick standing for her.  You stood and hit two blocks together by yourself for about 15 seconds!  Woo hoo!  You're still on the two week schedule, so you're next appointment is two weeks from today.

I had a funny conversation with Eliza today .... we kept Peanut a secret for so long since we didn't know what to expect, that I had forgotten who we've told and when.  I apparently had forgotten to tell Eliza and today she said, "I have to ask you something but I feel silly asking you in case I'm wrong, but are you pregnant?"  :-)  I laughed and said yes .... we only see her every two weeks for a short amount of time .... we get busy at each of your appointments so I guess it got lost in the shuffle.  :-P  Anyway, I told her about Peanut and she said I 'looked' pregnant .... so I guess I'm looking a little big these days.  ;-)

So you did something today that scared me half to death!  We were playing in the bonus room and you were scooting/crawling backwards for fun .... if people pretend they're going to come over and tickle you, you'll scoot backwards and giggle .... it's really cute!  So, we were playing and you were scooting and before I knew it .... within one second .... you had scooted backwards under the couch and was gone!  I immediately jumped into 'mama bear' mode and threw the ottoman out of the way to climb under the couch to get you!  You were just sitting there on your hands and knees holding your toys, but I reached in and pulled you out since there are springs, screws, and wood down in there.  I had no idea you could even fit!  I called your daddy once you were out to let him know of your latest trick.  :-P

You got a gift in the mail today .... remember when you were much smaller and one of daddy's classmates from Yale handmade you a blanket when you were born .... it's in your crib now.  Well, she made you a UNC bib and it's so adorable!  It's so nice that I'm tempted to do something else with it so that it doesn't get messy from your meals! 

Well, we're suppose to get a 'wintery mix' again tonight, so your eye MD called and rescheduled your appointment from 9:40am to 3:15pm tomorrow.  We'll see if that needs to be changed to a different day because they're calling for a lot of ice.  We started to get some sleeting rain this evening late.  The sun doesn't hit the front of our house so there's no telling how long the ice will last.  

You took a little nap this afternoon.  I held you for about 40 minutes and then placed you down.  You continued to sleep as I did some things on the computer.  I ordered some baby gates online for the stairs.  We have some that we got from (Great) Uncle Laurence, but we can't use them with our banister, so we did some research and found another company that makes a gate that should work better.  It should be here some time this week so we can have them up before you start walking.  :-)

We'll see what the roads look like tomorrow .... MOPS is already canceled and I think the schools are already canceled too.  Daddy may just work from home!  :-)

Sleep tight little precious!

I love you!  :-)


1 comment:

  1. Hello Joshua! This is Uncle Zeker. I'm taking a break from packing to check some things at the library. In a few days I'll be moving to the same city where you live, so I'll be able to see you all the time. Right now I'm reading "An Annotated Flatland," and I'm having to relearn a bit of geometry to follow the story. It's very good. Imagine a Euclidean Universe -- a universe in just two dimensions -- and how the folk there would respond to a creature from the Third Dimension. Very interesting. Well, I've got to go now.

    Uncle Zeker
