Saturday, January 22, 2011

Putting Your Room Together

Dearest Joshua David~

Hello little precious!  We had a late start to the day .... we managed to sleep in a little .... though that was after you noodled into our bed.  :-P  Once we were up and moving, you had some breakfast and then played downstairs as daddy and I cleaned.  I also did some extra cooking and prepared the crock pot for another lasagna .... we needed to cook some of the food in the fridge or it would have gone bad, so I browned up some ground beef and veggies .... added some sauce .... and then layered it in the crock pot with the lasagna noodles and cheese.  Now, we have dinner already made .... well, it'll be done in a couple of hours at least.  :-P

The rest of the morning was spent putting your room together .... we moved things out of the back bedroom so we could place the new rug down. Then, we positioned the crib, changing table, and dresser.  Daddy hung pictures on the wall .... it looks good!  Now, we have to get you to sleep in there!  :-P

Since we had a later breakfast, daddy and I weren't too hungry for lunch, so we went to the grocery store but stopped in a Starbucks to give you a bottle and yogurt.  Daddy got a coffee.  We also met up with our townhouse renter agent .... two new renters are moving into our old townhouse so we needed to sign a new contract.  I hope we can just sell it in another year or two.  

This afternoon we were all tired from the cleaning and rearranging from this morning.  So, we relaxed and took it easy.  We played with you in the bonus room and had our lasagna for dinner.  You tried some mac and cheese for dinner, but it didn't go so well.  :-P  We'll keep trying!  You actually didn't eat a lot during the day, but you weren't fussy for food either.  We washed all the new sippy cups and gave you formula in them and not the bottles .... I don't think you noticed a difference since these sippy cups have the soft tops like the soft nipples on the bottles.  We'll keep using these then until you get use to the harder tops.  

I'm continuing to have pain in my back, so every time daddy picks you up to help out it's greatly appreciated.  And, I'm getting a little more congested these days.  :-P  Tomorrow we'll be 35 weeks gestation with Peanut, so really, anything could happen at this time.  She would still be 'early' at this point (anything less than 37 weeks is early), but she's getting close to full term.  :-)

Sleep tight little miracle!

I love you!


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