Friday, January 21, 2011

Sixty Six Weeks

Dearest Joshua David~

Hello little precious!  Today you are sixty six weeks old .... you're really getting on up there little man!  ;-)

This morning, after we ate breakfast, you and I headed over to the state fairgrounds for the Kid Exchange.  This is one of the biggest consignment sales for used children items in the area.  They hold it two or three times a year and this is our first time checking it out.  It started at 9am, and we got there around 10am.  I walked around with you on my back in your carrier.  I was looking for some things in particular, like a double stroller, infant cradle swing for Peanut, sippy cups with rubber tops (you don't appear to like the hard tops), some extra shoes for you, and possibly a glider with ottoman.  

Well, I got a swing as soon as we walked in.  Then, we walked around to the strollers.  They didn't have a lot to choose from, and the ones that were there appeared too pricey .... so, we headed over to the second building and found sippy cups and shoes for you.  There were so many people .... and so much clothes and so many toys there!  It was unbelievable!  You really needed hours to spend there, but it was just the two of us, so we didn't have a lot of time.  The next sale date is in July, so maybe we'll be more organized and can spend more time there looking for clothes for you and Peanut  then .... or to donate some of our stuff and make a few dollars ourselves! 

Anyway, we got a few things off our list, so I still consider it a success.  I can still find used double strollers online, so I'm not worried about it.  

After we picked up the swing and loaded it into our car, we headed over to the bank to make a deposit.  We also had to pick up a certified check for daddy .... he found a deal on a used Deering banjo and we needed to pick up a check to mail to the seller.  Daddy said this banjo is apparently loud, so we'll have to see how you and Peanut react to it.  :-P  When you first heard the banjo, you cried.  Of course, you've never cried with the mandolin.  ;-)

We were both hungry after the bank, so we called Grandpa Jim to see if we could stop in his office for a restroom break .... I didn't have a stroller with me since I needed all the room I could get in my car for the Kid Exchange, and I thought I would be buying a stroller there .... so I didn't have anything to put you in if I needed to use the restroom!  Oops!  Turns out, Grandpa Jim wasn't there .... he was picking up our rugs from the carpet place!  So, I stopped in a little BBQ place near Target where I knew they had changing tables in the stalls.  I changed your diaper, and then strapped you in there, kept one hand on you, and then used the bathroom!  I'm sure I won't get 'mother of the year' for that, but we were desperate and by ourselves.  :-P  Then, I walked around with you to eat there and every table and chair was being used!  Ugh!  I was so hungry, and so were you!  So, again, I had another stellar mommy moment and fed you a bottle in the car in the parking lot of a BBQ place .... at least you were able to eat and it was warm in there!

By this time it was around 1pm, so we ran through Target in no time .... I strapped you in the cart since I, again, had no stroller, and my back was getting tired from this morning .... we picked up your diapers (we were getting dangerously low), some milk and cereal (we had nothing for tomorrow), and then I picked up some bagel bites for me for lunch .... we were back home by 1:35pm and I gobbled up the bagels! 

Once I ate, I cleaned up a little and then we headed upstairs to rest.  We played in the bonus room and then you started to take a little nap next to me.  You were still napping when daddy called to let us know he was leaving the office a few minutes early.  Once daddy got home, you had some dinner and Uncle Brennan and Aunt Katie came over to see you.  We all went around the corner to a little Mexican place for dinner, and then we headed back home.  Uncle Brennan helped bring the rugs upstairs before we left, so after dinner daddy and I set up the front bedroom with the rug.  It looks good!  We'll do the back bedroom tomorrow. 

We continued to play in the bonus room this evening until you fell asleep.  Tomorrow, we'll go grocery shopping and probably do more things around the house to get things done before Peanut gets here.

Sleep tight little man!

I love you!


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