Wednesday, September 29, 2010

New Trick

Dearest Joshua David~

Hello little precious!  You and Penny had a fun time today!  You took a little  morning and afternoon nap for her.  Then, you all had some porch time.  You two sat on the swing for a little bit.  You didn't go to the park like you usually do because it rained all day .... and it was pretty heavy at times.  I thought I was going to get washed away driving to work this morning!  :-P

Penny saw your third tooth coming in.  We're taking bets to see when you start to get a top one in.  Maybe you're waiting to get a full set on the bottom before you get a top one.  ;-)  

Penny also had story time with you.  You got as a gift from friends at church a toddler Bible called "In The Beginning."  It's really cute with lots of pictures.  She read you some stories from it today.  She also gave you a container of mixed veggies.  We're still working on the cheerios and crackers, but you're getting better with the spoon and fruits and veggies.  :-)

I got home late this evening, which I hate doing because it takes away from our evening family time together.  Before I got home, you and daddy sat on the porch and listened to the rain fall.  Daddy gave you 5 cheerios to eat .... and you ate zero!  But, you enjoyed sipping water from a sippy cup .... with daddy's help of course!  

When I got home, we ate dinner together.  Then, we gave you your usual evening bath.  I put you on the changing table to dry you off and you immediately peed everywhere!  Really?  You couldn't wait 2 seconds for the diaper to go on?  :-P  Oh, your cradle cap is looking a lot better since we've been doing the daily baths!  

So, you did a new trick this evening .... I put you in the crib right after I cleaned you up and put a fresh diaper on you after the bath.  I needed to change out the changing table covering (since you peed), and when I turned around .... you were STANDING in the crib .... all by yourself!  We've seen you pull up to your knees before, but we've never seen you pull all the way to standing!  I immediately called your daddy so he could see!  You lasted for a few seconds, and then you fell over.  :-P  But, now you know how to do it, and you're definitely getting stronger!  ;-)

This evening we all played together on the bed.  You were really fussy though because you fought sleep all night!  You rubbed your eyes over and over but refused to fall asleep.  Daddy and I were exhausted when you finally started to doze around 11pm.  I don't know why you're fighting sleep so much recently.  Sleep is good, little man.  :-)  When you're older you'll realize this.  ;-)

Save more smiles and kisses for me tomorrow, and I'll try not to be home so late!  I miss you every wednesday and thursday!  

Sleep tight little angel!

I love you!  :-)


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