Friday, August 6, 2010

Forty Two Weeks

Dearest Joshua David~

Hello little one!  Today you are forty two weeks old!  Can you believe it?  I can't!  You have 10 weeks until your very first birthday!  :-)

Once again, you slept through the night!  Good job sweetie!  I gave you 4 tablespoons of solid food again last night with your formula.  I wonder if that's making a difference?  Hummmm ....

Well, just as I said yesterday .... today is Family Friday!  To start things off for Family Friday, you had a Daddy Morning .... I had an eye appointment at 8:30am this morning, so I left the house early to make it over there.  You stayed here with daddy, had breakfast, played with toys, did tummy time, and took a little nap.  After the eye doctor's appointment, I made a quick stop at Gigi's to pick up the rest of our framed photos.  We're going to try to place them around the new house and figure out where we want to hang things.  

The doctor's office dilated my eyes, so for the rest of the day daddy did all of the driving.  :-P  We ate lunch together when I got home (we made a pizza), and then we headed over to the mall.  We walked around for about an hour to stretch our legs (it was hot outside so we wanted to stay inside).  Also, we went over to Sears and ordered a washer and dryer set.  :-)  They should be delivered on monday, so after that we won't have to keep borrowing other people's machines.  :-P  

We got back home around mid-afternoon.  You played with your toys and did tummy time.  Daddy and I straightened some things around the house.  Then, for dinner, we went over to (Great) Uncle Laurence's house.  

You got to meet more family while there!  Your Great-Grandfather (my mommy's daddy), and his wife, from Tennessee are in town this weekend.  Since you, daddy, and I are heading to a wedding tomorrow, we went over to see them tonight.  You haven't been able to meet them until now, but they've sent you gifts in the mail and have seen photos of you!  We were able to visit for a few hours.   Everyone thought you were cute, and they took photos of you playing.  :-) Once it got late, we packed you up so we could get you to bed at a decent time.  We still needed to pack things for the wedding for tomorrow, so we put some things aside once you started to doze off.

Tomorrow we head to Maiden, NC for a wedding!  Sleep tight my little Joshua!  :-)

I love you!  :-)


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