Friday, June 4, 2010

Thirty Three Weeks

Dearest Joshua David~

Little little precious.  Today you are thirty three weeks old.  You're getting to be an old man!  ;-)  You cease to amaze me on how well you're doing.  :-)

Whoa!  I don't know what came over you this morning .... maybe because you took longer naps yesterday while daddy and I were at work .... but you were up ALL night!  It was like you had your hours confused .... perhaps you're nocturnal?  But, you woke up at 1am and stayed awake until 3:34am!  We gave you three bottles during that time totaling 6.5 ounces of formula to try to calm you!  Daddy and I were both exhausted since we both worked the day before .... and daddy had to go back into work today even after you kept us both up!  :-P  What a night owl! 

After that difficult morning, we did some laundry and I put away all the dishes.  I called the pediatrician's office because you'll be due for your 9 month check up appointment next month!  I can't believe you'll be 9 months old in mid-July.  You're growing so fast right before our eyes.  Do me a favor, stay small a little longer for me .... ok?  ;-)

After our oatmeal breakfast, I gave you a nice bath.  You get pretty messy after  eating oatmeal or rice cereal.  Then, we made a quick trip to the bank.  I stopped and got a hot chocolate for fun.  I needed the extra energy so I could try to keep you up the rest of the day .... we need you to sleep a little better tonight!  :-P

This afternoon we did more exercises, played with toys, and did some tummy time.  I also emptied out your diaper container.  Phew!  

Today you ate the most you've ever eaten .... 6 tablespoons of oatmeal/rice cereal and 33.5 ounces of formula!  Wow!  

This evening, we went out with daddy and did some shopping.  We bought some exercise games to do at home on the Wii machine.  Daddy and I are going to try to get healthier.  We're watching what we eat more.  And, since we're doing it together, daddy and I can encourage each other.  We want to be healthy for you .... the better in shape we are, the better we're able to take care of you.  Plus, we want to be healthy enough to see you grow up to be an old man.  ;-P

I hope you sleep better tonight .... and so does daddy! 

Sleep tight!

I love you forever and ever!  :-)


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