Thursday, June 17, 2010

Power Outage

Dearest Joshua David~

Hello little man!  You did better sleeping last night.  You went to bed at a decent time, and didn't need another bottle until 6:20am this morning!  Thanks for the extra sleep!  :-)

You and Penny had fun today, as usual.  Here's what you all did:

8:30am:  Floor time and tummy time.  You practiced sitting.  Penny made a note that you can sit 30-45 seconds.  You can correct yourself from side to side, but not from falling backwards.  :-P
10:45am:  cat nap
11:45am:  Floor time and danced to music.  Penny said that your favorite is the twist!  ;-)
1:15pm:  cat nap
1:45pm:  Floor time and sitting practice.  You were very talkative today and you're making a wider range of sounds.

At around 3:30pm, Mimi came over to watch you.  She brought over a "Johnny Jump Up" since you like to bounce around so much.  You played in it for a while and appear to like it.  :-)

This evening, daddy clipped your nails.  They were getting long again, and when they get long, they get sharp too!  :-P  We also did a few loads of laundry .... one being yours.  We also emptied your diaper container, and daddy took it out to the garbage since they come tomorrow.

I had an interesting day at work .... the power went out at 3:30pm!  So, since we need power to perform dentistry, we had to cancel patients.  The phone then went dead as well.  :-P  We walked outside and noticed a tree had fallen on a power line.  The power didn't come back on until around 4:45pm (ish), but the computers were still down, so we couldn't open the patients' charts.  So, I got to come home early to see you!  Woo hoo!  I love when I get to come home and see you!  It's the best part of my day!  :-)

Tomorrow we get to spend the day together.  Also, USA plays again during the World Cup, so we'll be watching!  :-)

Sleep tight little one!

I love you!


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