Monday, May 17, 2010


Dearest Joshua David~

Good morning!  You woke me bright and early at 1:30am for a bottle!  Whoa!  Were you really that hungry?  :-P  I made you a small 2 oz bottle, changed you, and you fell right back asleep.  You woke up again at 6am.  Daddy slept through the entire thing .... even your cries when you woke up!  :-P

This morning, we went to our new house and met the home inspector.  Your (Great) Uncle Laurence met us there, as did your daddy.  We walked around the house again, but we didn't walk outside much .... it was rainy and chilly!  The inspector checked a lot of things in the house to make sure items work properly and to make sure the house was safe.  Daddy stayed for about an hour, and we left shortly after daddy.  You needed to take a bottle, and we needed to get back for your physical therapy appointment.  

The inspector was nice, and he emailed daddy and I a report late this evening about what he found.  He recommended for some things to be replaced or evaluated, so we'll talk with your (Great) Uncle Laurence to see what the next steps should be.  

Eliza was very impressed with you again!  You took a bottle when we got home and then took a little nap while I was holding you.  If you didn't have that appointment, I would have taken a nap too since we were up so early!  But, once it got close to your appointment time, I had to wake you and get you moving.  

Eliza worked with you for about an hour (which is how long all your appointment are).  She said you were "exceptional" again!  She said you had the best disposition of all the babies she works with.  You did very well with going to your left side today and you handled tummy time for at least 10 minutes without getting fussy!  Eliza look at you said that she could "tell that you and mommy have been working!"  :-)  Go us!  At one point, while on your belly, you threw up a little on your blanket and then you had a few "toots" from your bottom!  It was just gas!  

This afternoon, we did more tummy time together and played with your toys.  It rained all day, so we stayed in as much as possible.  Maybe a walk tomorrow?

This evening, after daddy came home, we all met your Mimi, Aunt Katie, and Uncle Brennan for dinner.  We had fun visiting, but then tried to dodge the rain on the way home.  :-P

You played on the bed with daddy and I before you fell asleep.  You had a lot of burps this evening.  It was really funny!

Sleep tight!

I love you very much!  :-)


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