Wednesday, October 28, 2009

New Room

Dearest Joshua David~

When daddy and I walked into the ICN to see you this afternoon, you were gone! We figured you had walked away! :-) One of the nurses took us to your bed, which was moved into a different room. It's still in the Intensive Care area, but less busy and quieter.

I got to hold you again, Kangaroo Care style, from about 3:30pm-6pm. Then, I got to take your temperature and change your diaper. Everything looked good. You were really peaceful just sleeping there. You sneezed a few times. Towards the end you were getting fussy. You kept your left hand out and kept trying to grab daddy's fingers. :-)

The only concern was your digestion. They increased your feeding, again, to 17ml every 3 hours, but dispense those ml over an hour (it was 30 minutes) to give you more time to digest. You still leave some residual milk in your belly at each feeding (a few mls), but they continue to monitor it. It could be due to the increased feeding. Or, the fortifier that they added to the milk to increase calories. They weren't too concerned about it, since it's also common for preemies. So, we just have to keep waiting and checking on your digestion.

Your O2 levels were good. They placed an extra piece of tape on your nose since you like to pull your cannula off. Hopefully they will take the cannula off soon.

Keep growing stronger! I love you so much!


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