Monday, August 6, 2012

Great Appointments

Dearest Precious Gifts~

We all piled into our big bed under the fan last night.  All the windows were open with the fans at full speed.  It wasn't that comfortable, but we managed to get 'some' sleep.  It was way too late last night to relocate everyone downstairs.  We'll see how tonight is, but we'll likely stay downstairs this evening.  The downstairs feels great .... but about 95% of your toys are upstairs.  :-P

This morning, I set up the air mattress downstairs to play on.  We watched part of the movie 'The Incredibles' while you all played and had snack time.  Joshua, you threw up some of your applesauce.  Ugh.  I think maybe your bite was too big. 

We ended up leaving around 11am for speech therapy with Kim.  We're now working on two word combinations where the first word is two syllables and the second word is one syllable.  An example would be 'table top'.  It'll take some time, but you can already say 'bumble bee' and 'bubble bath' so that's a start!  ;-)

Oh, Grace, your primary lower left lateral .... tooth #N .... is now erupting!  Woo hoo!

Joshua, you had a feeding therapy appointment with Krista this afternoon.  You ate so well today with Krista!  You ate all the beef and rice that I cooked last night and brought in.  And, you ate half the green beans that I cooked.  Plus, you ate half a waffle!  Whoa!  Now we know you're capable of eating things we put in front of you.  If you don't, it's behavior.  We can now go to appointments every two weeks instead of weekly.  :-)

We got home around 3:30pm.  Mimi came over to take some measurements of you two for some more outfits.  You all got to play and visit while she was here.  You both loved playing with her phone.  ;-)

You two helped me cook a healthy dinner again.  We cut up chicken pieces and cooked them with pasta.  We had a side of apple pieces.  Neither of you ate the pasta, but Joshua did ok with the chicken and apple.  Grace, you mainly ate apple.

It rained right after dinner.  We opened the windows upstairs to help cool the house down.  The capacitor should be here tomorrow for the AC unit.  It was bearable enough to sit under the fan in the playroom and watch some Olympics.

But .... we were all back downstairs by 7:30pm.  It got too hot for Grace and she was grumpy.  Plus, she was getting hungry since she didn't really eat her dinner!  You all played with blocks with daddy and had music time.  I took a quick shower and then came downstairs to take photos of you all playing.  We all ended up sleeping downstairs.

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you both so much!



  1. We had a great time playing with the blocks this evening. Joshua, you took the lead in telling us what to build. First, you wanted to build a house. However, you just wanted to put a tall antenna on the house. When you got bored with the house construction, you decided to destroy the house in favor of building a boat. We then had a boat building competition with mommy ... her's won, but only because mommy made up the judging criteria after the building phase.
