Friday, July 1, 2011

Rolling Machine

Dearest Joshua David and Grace Elizabeth~

I heard Grace noodle around in her bassinet this morning at 3am, but she went back to sleep.  She didn't wake back up until 4:40am.  Daddy changed her diaper and then I nursed her.  :-)

Joshua, you ate a bowl of cereal with whole milk for me for breakfast!  Then, you and I sat next to Grace on the floor as you drank your sippy cup.  I put Grace on her belly for tummy time.  She looked up at us and smiled.  Then, she rolled right over to her back in one smooth motion!  She looked back up at us and continued to smile!  I was so surprised and impressed!  Way to go little lady!  I put her back on her tummy as I loaded and dish washer and she did it again .... you're turning into a rolling machine!  :-)

Grace, you finally had a poop this morning .... and it was a big one!  I had to change your outfit too.  You were working on it while I was doing therapy with Joshua.  He finished an applesauce container and then drank a boost.  Once we got upstairs, we saw that the cat had thrown up everywhere.  Joshua came within an inch of stepping in it.  Also, the cat is still missing the litter box.  :-P  Ugh!

We saw Grandpa Jim after lunch today.  I needed to drop something off to him at his office and then we headed over to my work.  My PPD expired while I was on maternity leave, so I needed to get the shot on wednesday.  These shots have to be read in 48 hours to prove if you're positive or negative.  I was negative for TB, so the reading only took about 5 minutes.  ;-)

It was very hot out today, so I felt bad having you all in the car driving around town.  But, we got home quickly and then we rested under the fan in the living room.

Joshua, of the two therapy sessions that we did, the first one was more successful.  For the second one, you were getting cranky and stopped being cooperative about half way through.

I kept trying to get Grace rolling on camera, but she never did when the camera was on her.  She rolled at least three times today!  ;-)  Also, you're beginning to grab your feet when you're on your back and playing.  I guess you finally found your feet.  :-)

Joshua, you had the hiccups all day.  :-P  Also, you were fussy tonight and fought sleep at bedtime. 

We made bacon, eggs, veggies, and toast for dinner.  We had an early dinner since daddy got home early.  He's officially on vacation since he has monday off for Independence Day!  ;-)

Sleep tight you two!

I love you both!


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