What better way to ring in the new year than with a visit to the eye doctor! :-P Yes, today was your follow up visit to see how your left eye has been healing, and to make sure your right eye is still growing properly. Gigi went with us. They had to dilate your eyes first. Then, Dr. Board came in and examined both eyes. He started with the left and then went to the right. They kept you in your car seat while letting your eyes dilate. Once your eyes were dilated, the assistant put you in the chair for the exam. You were so little in that big chair!

The doctor said your eyes looked good! He was very pleased with the way your left eye has healed. And, your right eye appears to be fine for now, so no need for any treatment! We have another appointment in 8 weeks for another follow up.
One funny thing did happen at the doctor's office .... once the assistant placed you in the chair she said, "Look Dr. Board! He's wearing cute little UNC socks!" At that moment, gigi and I saw a huge diploma on the wall from DOOK! :-P And there I was in my Carolina sweatshirt, holding your Carolina blanket, with a Carolina diaper bag, looking at your Carolina socks! Ha! Go Heels! :-)
After the doctor, we took a quick trip to the bank (you stayed in the car with gigi) and then to Target (wonder if this store will still be around by the time you read this!). We didn't stay in Target for very long though .... it was just a quick errand.
Today is the last day of 2009. Traditionally, people stay awake until midnight to "ring in the new year." I don't know if I'll make it unless you decide to eat at that time! Usually, people make new year's resolutions, or a list of things they wish to accomplish during the next year. Your list could be something like:
1- grow a tooth
2- sit up
3- learn to walk
4- sleep through the night (that is daddy's and mommy's wish too!) :-)
5- gain weight (usually people wish for the opposite) ;-)
6- stay cute and adorable .... I know you'll accomplish this one!
Sleep tight little fellow!
I love you very much!